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~lily pov~ 

Today is finally Christmas i'm so excited i sit between James legs.  

My parents pass out they gifts first. They got Petunia a dress. Vernon a mug that says yes i'm tried. I don't think he liked it. They got James a cute sweater and chocolate.  James was so interested in the chocolate because he never tried it. I got a bracelet. 

Vernon only got something for Petunia he got her a blanket with flowers on it and in the middle it said Petunia. 

James went all out. He got my dad a broom kit since he already got him a broom. He got my mum some wizard candy and a bracelet. He got Petunia a sewing kit since Petunia love to sew. He got Vernon a muggle suit.Vernon really liked it but didn't show it that much. He got me a necklace and when you open it was a picture of us. I peck him on the lips. If my parents weren't there i would have snogged him. 

I got my parents some matching sweaters. I got Petunia some makeup. I got James a watch and some fire whiskey even though my parents don't know about the whiskey. I got Vernon some shoes to match the suit. After a few minutes me and James went back to the bedroom. They a owl there with some boxes. 

" Is from my parents." Says James. He passes me a box and sits next to me and opens his box. He quickly hides what he got and i open mine. I got a photo album and i get to put pictures. Only one of the pages was full it was baby photos of James.  

" Omg you a cute baby." I say looking at the photos. He laughs and looks at them. " What did you get." I say. 

 " Oh is nothing important." He says sounding nervous.  I just put the album in my bag and sit on his lap. 

" Please tell me." I say giving him puppy eyes. 

" Alright but promise you won't judge." He says. I nod. He grabs his box and opens it inside is a wedding ring. " For the future i guess." He say looking at it. oh god his parents are already thinking about this. 

" I think is sweet." I say looking at it. 

" It a family tradition this ring goes down from generations so does the cloak of invisibility.The first born get it. Even the marauders starts a tradition the map goes down to the eldest. For example let's say Remus had a kid first then the map will go down in his family so when his kid  has a kid it be his." He says putting the ring in his pocket. I laugh and kiss him. 

' Marry me." I say between kiss. I pull apart quickly. Oh god i can't believe i just said that I just ruined the relationship. He kisses me again and while we kissing he put the ring on. I look at him shocked. " Are we actually doing this." I say. 

" Sure why not I love you and i want to spent the rest of my life with you." He says smiling. 

" Omg how i'm i going to tell my parents." I say. 

" We wait a little longer to tell anyone." He says. I kiss him again. We only sixteen what are we thinking. I take the ring off and hide it. I can't believe  i'm getting married.

" When should we tell people." I say. 

" Maybe this summer or something." He says. I get off his lap and we walk downstairs for lunch.I smile like crazy. 

" After lunch we though we go to this animals resort center is only a hour away." Says my mum. We all nod. After thirty minutes we get in the car. I fall asleep after a few minutes i lay my head on James shoulder.

" Flower wake up where here." Says James. I look around the car and see everyone is already off. I get off with James. I grab his hand and we walk to my family. 

" Ok first we going to see the new baby animals we have." Says the man. We all follow him and he shows us. I loved the baby squirrels there was. James was more like the baby deer. We pet the deer and look at more animals. There was baby raccoons and even some hawks chicks. After awhile we leave. 

" So James hoe far do you live from here." Says my dad. 

" I been here before my house is thirty minutes away."  Says James. 

" We should totally go. I love to meet your parents." Says my mum. 

" Sure." James gives them the address and we start driving.   

" Mum why do we have to go. I barley  even know Potter i have to meet his family." Says Petunia. 

" Because is Christmas and what if James and Lily get married in the future it be nice to know his family. " Says Dad. I make eye contact with James and we chuckle. After awhile we get there and let me just tell you his house is huge. 

" No wonder she with him. Potter is loaded." Vernon whispers to Petunia. James knocks on the door and Sirius opens it.  

" Prongs you here." He says hugging James.  His parents come to the door and hug James.

"Mum, dad this is my girlfriend Lily and her family." Says James. 

" Oh is so nice to meet you guys come in." Says Mrs.Potter. We walk inside the house. It huge. I sit on the couch next to James and Sirius. I been thinking all day the fact that i'm getting married. I'm really excited but nervous we only sixteen by the time we get married we be seventeen. What are my parents going to think. What are James's parents going to think. James a pureblood what of his parents want him to marry another pure blood. If he marries me I ruin a pure line that been going back for awhile. The Potter family is one of the oldest wizarding family out there. I snap out of my thoughts and starts talking to Mrs.Potter. 

" James, Siri why don't you show Lily around the house with Vernon and Petunia." Says Mr.Potter. The five of us get up and start walking around. 

" This is my room." Says James. He opens the door. I love his room is so big. I look on the pictures on the wall and i'm on some. 

" You look hot on this one." I say pointing it at him.

" I say pointing it at him

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" Not as beautiful as you." He says kissing my cheek. We walk to the other side of the room to Sirius rolling his eyes at Vernon. 

" I'm just saying your mum probably cheat on your dad because you look nothing like them ." Says Vernon. Oh how much i want to kick him.    

" You know i'm adopted right." Says Sirius. Vernon face falls. Oh how stupid he most feel right now. I love it. 

"Maybe we should go to your parents Petunia." Says Vernon. 

" I be back i'm going to the bathroom." Says Sirius. I sit on James bed with him. 

" Where do you want to live after we get married." I say. 

" I was think we get a apartment." He says grabbing my hand.

" That be great. How i'm i going to last all year without my fiance." I say rubbing his hand. 

" Let's hope we both get head girl and boy." Says James laughing.

" Like you ever get head boy." I say laughing.  

" If you get head girl you better not leave me for the head boy i'm marrying you first." He say. 

" What!" Says Sirius standing at the door. SHIT! 

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