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~Lily Pov~ 

I was walking with James to muggle studies it was across the castle so we were on a hurry. Last night we were in the room of requirements doing some things. So this morning we were on a rush. Muggle studies was our last test of the year so we had to go. I wore my ring everywhere now. I love the rumors. One rumor was that i was pregnant so we are getting married. Another one is that i gave him a love potion. The third one is that i'm really a pureblood so were getting married to keep the pureblood line going. We run inside the room on time. Me and James haven't told our families yet. We decide not to move in with each other this summer. Since we still have 7th year and we don't want to keep paying for a house we don't even live in for a whole year. We took the test. I feel really happy about my score. I look at James and he finish before me.  I walk out of the room and walk to James he talking with Alice since they both took the class.  

" Hey." I say.

" Hey! How was your test." Says Alice. 

"It was good i'm jut surprise you two finish before me." I say. 

" Why is that." Says James smirking. 

" Will probly for that fact I only took this class because i am a muggleborn and i toke it to get out of class with Snape." I say. 

" Oh so just because were purebloods." Says Alice. 

" No....ok maybe." I say looking at the floor. They laugh and we start walking to the Gryffindor common room. 

" I'm so glad is over." Says James. 

" Lily!" I know that voice is Snape. We walk faster. " Lily please i need to talk to you." The three of us stop and turn around and look at him. I grab James hand for support. 

" What." I say. 

" You making a mistake marrying Potter." He says looking at James. I was about to say something but Alice starts talking. 

" You little cockroach can't you just leave her alone. She never been more happier with James. She has told you to leave her alone for the last time. If you get close to anyone in my friend group i swear it be then end of you. Got it git.  Now if you excuse me i'm going to go with Lily and James." She slaps him in the face and the three of us walk away. 

"Good job Allie." Says James giving her a high five . James and Alice knew each other since they were one.  James parents and Alice parents are auroras. So since they always had meeting they took James and Alice everywhere. We walk inside the common room. 

" Who wants to play a game." Says Remus. 

" I play." I sit on James lap since they no more room. 

" Alright Marlene truth or dare." Says Sirius. 

"Dare." She says.

" I dare you to kiss the first guy you see outside the common room." Says Remus. Sirius gives him a death glare. Her and Alice walk out. A few seconds later they run in. 

" She kissed Snape." Says Alice rolling on the floor laughing. The boys look shocked.

" why was Snape at the door of the common room." Says James.

" He was asking for Lily. We got him to get away." Says Alice. Marlene runs upstairs with Sirius. 

" So that clearly the end of truth or dare." Says Peter. 

" We should go to Lunch." Says Remus. I get off James lap. The five of us start walking to the great hall.  We talk for most of the night. 

" Alright i'm going to sleep." I say getting up. I kiss James and walk up to my dorm.  The second i hit my pillow i was asleep. 

+ Three days Later+ 

I'm kinda scared to go home because i'm going to have to tell my parents that i'm getting married. I pack all my stuff and start walking to the Great hall to meet everyone. 

" Hey." I say.

" Oh great you finally her. Let's go." Says Alice. We grab our stuff and sit in a carriage. 

" I'm scrared." I whisper to James.

" Don't worry i think your parents are going to be supportive. I send you a letter when i tell my parents." He kisses me on the cheek.  I smile at him. We get on the train. I fall asleep for the whole ride. 

" Bye everyone." I say.

" Bye i see you soon." Says James. He kisses me. 

" Bye I love you." I kiss him again and walk to my parents.

" Lily we missed you so much." Says my mum hugging me. I hug my parents. 

+ Home+ 

I grab all my stuff and unpack. I put my ring in a box. I'm telling my parents another time. I walk downstairs and start watching a movie with my parents. 

" Lily how James." Says my mu giving me popcorn.

" He good."I say eating popcorn. 

" Mum, dad i got to tell you something." Says Petunia walking downstairs. "I'm getting married." I look closely at the ring and is mine. 

" WHAT THE FUCK PETUNIA YOU KNOW THAT RING IS MINE!" I quickly close my mouth. I grab her hand and take the ring back.



" Girls stop and sit down!" Say my dad. Me and Petunia both sit down.

" Now Lily is it true you are engaged." Says my mum.

" Yes... i been since Christmas. I was going to tell you but not like this." I say looking at the floor.

" Now Petunia are you engaged. " Says my dad.

" Yes but Vernon says that rings are for spoiled girls that use their boyfriends for money. So I took Lily ring so I can have a engagement ring because is not fair that she gets everything. " Says Petunia. 

" Petunia is not a good thing to steal for you sister please give the ring back." Petunia gives me the ring and i put it on. My parents walk upstairs they are probably going to talk about what to do. I run into my room and send a letter to James. I decide to go to sleep because of the stress.  

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