Everyone found out

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I was woken up by screams. It was a Saturday morning. We been back at school for over three months. I study a lot now since school over in two months. I also got really mad that Snape did not get expelled. James birthday was two weeks ago he now 17. 

" Omg Lily wake up why did you tell us." Says Alice. 

" Huh." I say rubbing my eyes. They show me the ring. My eyes widen. " Where did you get it." I say taking the ring from them. 

" That not important the important thing is how long have you been engage." Says Marlene. 

" I been engage since December it was Christmas and his parents gave him a ring you know for the future but we had a bright idea just to get married.We were going to tell everyone this summer." I say putting the ring on. The both jump up and down of excitement. 

" Omg i can't wait for you wedding." Says Marlene hugging me. 

" Can we be bridesmaids." Says Alice.

" Sure why not." I say getting out of bed. I put one of James quiddish sweaters and jeans.  The both smile like crazy. 

" What." I say putting up my shoes. 

" In the back it says Potter and since you going to be Potter soon is so cute." Says Alice i roll my eyes and walk out the room. I knock on James dorm. 

"Come in." Says Remus. 

" James i need to talk to you is important." I say. 

" Oh no please don't tell me you two are going to break off you guys are such a cute couple." Says Peter.

" We're no." I take James hand and walk into the bathroom. " Alice and Marlene found the ring in my purse. I think it might be time to tell everyone." I say.

" Alright what ever you want."He says smiling. 

" How did i deserve you."  I hug him and we walk out.  

"I tell them." Says James. I kiss his cheek and walk out of the room. The first thing i heard was. " I FUCKING KNEW IT." From Remus. I giggle and walk down to breakfast. But for the first time ever i had the ring on in public. 

Hey guys this chapter is going to be short but i promise the next one will be long. So do not worry. I hope you enjoy and have a nice day.

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