Baby Project

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~Lily Pov~ 

I sit at lunch with my friends and professor McGongall starts talking.

" Alright seven years this year you going to get a fake baby you need to learn how to take car of it. This will last a month starting today. "She says. She passes around the babied and baby stuff. We get to pick  our partners. I choose James since we share a dorm and we getting married soon so it be best learning how to take care of a baby.  McGongall taps her wand and the babied turn into real ones. They look real.  I get the diaper bag and the baby and James gets the rest of the stuff. We walk back to our dorm.  James sets up the crib and other stuff the baby staying in the other room. 

" Ok the bath ready for the baby." I says. James grabs him. James has shorts on and get's inside with him. 

" We need a name." I say.

" It can't be Harry that for my actual child. Let's name him Forest." He says.

" Alright."I say. I take Forest and take him to change. While James changes into clothes.

"What a day for our anniversary i had something amazing planned." He says.  

" Don't worry this weekend we can celebrate and someone can take care of Forest." I say. I pick Forest up again and grab his diaper bag. We walk to the gryffindor common room. The second we walk in we hear babies crying. We walk to the Marauders dorm. I wonder how they doing. We walk inside and see Sirius and Marlene trying to change a diaper but failing. It was funny that Remus and Peter teamed up because there was no more girls and it had to be someone from your house. But there baby girl is crying. 

" How are you doing it." Says Sirius pointing at us and laughing Forest. James walk over to there boy and changes the diaper for them they look at him shocked. he picked up the baby and rocks it back and forth and it falls asleep. He gives the baby back to Marlene and she put him in his crib. He got Remus and Peter  baby to fall asleep too.

" Ok James is the baby whisper." Says Sirius. Alice and Frank come in with a girl who is laughing. 

" SO what names do you guys have for your babies." Says Remus. 

" We named ours Will." Says Sirius. 

" We named our Millie." Says Peter. 

" His name Forest."

" Ours is named Katie." Says Alice. Forest start fussing and I take him out of the room. He falls asleep and I walk back inside. 

" We should get going to dinner." I says. I grab in his stroller and take it downstairs. Then James puts him in the stroller. The eight of us and the four babies walk to dinner. The day been ok. The hufflepuffs are doing to best. The ravenclaws are reading parenting books. The slytherins are paying other people to take care of there babies like sixth years. The Gryffindors are doing ok were  trying. People kept getting annoyed about the crying babies. But there not really that many. Like our friend group is doing fine.  James feed Forest and then eats himself. We grab all our stuff after awhile and leave to our dorm. We walk upstairs and put Forest on his crib. I get into bed what a day. James get's into bed too and falls asleep. I woke up to crying. James get's out of bed and walks to the other room. After a few minutes the crying stop and James comes back. He lays back down and falls asleep. 

I get up in the morning and dicide to get Forest ready myself because James got up last night. I go to the other room and change him. I change his diaper and pack his diaper bag. James walk to me.

" Morning beautiful." He says putting his arms around me. 

" Morning love." I say turning around. I kiss him. It was short but meaningful. He let's go of me and walk out he comes back like thirty minutes later changed and washed. I give him Forest and get ready myself. James gets my stuff and his stuff ready.I quickly get ready. Forest is in his stroller and all of our bags are under it. I smile and walk with James to breakfast. A lot of seventh years look tried. Oh god i have patrol tonight. We can't walk in on people having sex with a baby with us.  

" Um Allie can you take care of Forest while me and Lily on patrol." Says James.

" Sure why not. Katie will love a playmate." Says Alice. Franks just starts rubbing his eyes. 

" Ok since we don't share every class we need to divide time." I say. Even though we share some classes the other person will take care of forest. For example on potions i will have him since that one of James weak subject. Also transfiguration James will have him because i'm not so good in that subject. 

" That remained me I have tryout today so can you take care of him." He says.

" Sure maybe we go watch you."  I say. 

" I be back." Says Sirius getting up. He walks over to some six year girls they looked very excited seeing him. He walk back to us.

" What was that about." Says Remus feeding Millie. 

" Oh i got a babysitter to take care of Will while me and Marlene are in tryouts. I payed her 15 gallons. Sucker i would have done it 50." He says. James laughs. We all eat and walk to our first class potions. 

" Ok we be divide into teams to make liquid luck." He says. I look at the board and I got teamed up with Snape. Damn it. I grab Forest and walk to him.  

" Where your baby." I say cleaning everything. 

" I have no idea. I told a fourth year to take care of it and if he doesn't i hex him." He says smiling. I just roll my eyes.  I start cutting stuff and look over and see Alice and James together laughing. Lucky. i put the stuff in and see Snape looking at me. 

" What." I say. 

" Why would you ruin. A pureblood line. You just a mudblood." He says. I start getting tears in my eyes. I quickly finish so i don't have to talk to him no more and raise my hand. Professor Slughorn get's us a good grade. I walk to my desk i look around. Alice and James are almost finish. Sirius and this Slytheirn are arguing.Remus is just talking.   James walk over to me. 

"Flower you ok." He says.

" Yeah i'm fine." I say. He smiles at me and hugs me. We leave class and have a great rest of the day. I watch James in tryout with Forest. We go on portal. And so on.   

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