Information and Film

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I wake up to my alarm blaring at 6:30. The last time I looked at the clock was around 4:15, so I know today's going to be a tough one. I don't feel like putting any effort into my appearance at the moment, so I settle on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. It is September after all, and the weather is beginning to cool down some.

Before I'm greeted by either of my parents, I help myself to the coffee on the stove. I probably take more than my share, but I'm going to need it. I pass the family picture that Mom insists should be front and center in the living room, and my heart aches at the sight of us as a whole. I head back upstairs, cup in hand, and brush my teeth while grabbing my backpack to put by the front door. It's close to 7:00 by now, so Talon should be texting me any minute telling me he's waiting. Until then, I take a seat at the kitchen table.

The sound of my phone brings me back to reality. I grab my bag, head out the door, and hop into Talon's truck. His car doesn't quite fit his personality, but it's awesome nonetheless. The radio is on, and the host is talking about the game on Friday.

I can only listen to it for so long until I say, "Can we change it? Or maybe put on music?"

Talon obliges, and we listen to country music the rest of the way. Once we park, we head our separate ways, since we don't necessarily hang out at school. We don't have any classes together either, which means we have different friends. The reminder that I won't see him until tonight stings a little.

As soon as I walk through the doors, a few of my teammates greet me. We sit down at a table in the courtyard, and wait for the bell to ring. Everyone around me is buzzing about the game, but I can't get the image of Talon in my sweatshirt out of my head. My thoughts are interrupted when my teammate Ashton asks me if I'm excited to play on Friday.

"Yeah, I mean, I think we're going to win. We have to win, right boys?"

A chorus of yells and hollers echo across the courtyard, and I feel good about upholding my status as captain.

The bell rings and everyone heads off to class, but I take my time entering my math class. In my opinion, nobody should have to learn math before 9:00 AM, but I guess the school doesn't agree with me. My teacher, Mrs. Beckett, hands out the exams as soon as we are seated. I take almost the whole period to complete the test, and walk out knowing that I failed.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur, except for lunch. I sit with my teammates, but I have a clear view of Talon sitting with his friends from across the cafeteria. We're facing each other, and share a smile before I'm pulled into the argument unraveling before me.

"Hunter, please tell Evan that the Blackhawks are going to have a better season than the Ducks." The plea comes from Sawyer, who watches more hockey than anyone I know. Except for Talon, of course.

"To be honest boys, I have no idea who's gonna have a better season. And frankly, I don't care."

The response I get from Evan isn't too kind. "Of course you don't care, you don't care where you'll be playing at this time next year."

I absolutely hate when people bring up my draft prospect ratings. I try not to pay attention, but it's hard when it's all someone cares about sometimes. They're still arguing, so I stop them. "I'll be right back, guys. I should have an answer by then too."

Okay, so maybe I'm reaching for an excuse to go talk to Talon. But, it's valid, so I don't care.

I approach his table, and conversation seizes to a stop. "Hey, T? Can I ask you a hockey question?"

His mouth is full, so he nods and looks up at me expectantly.

"Statistically, who is going to have a better season? Chicago or Anaheim?"

His eyes light up with excitement before he answers. "My money would go on Chicago. They played well in their division and just fell short of the playoffs, while Anaheim was nowhere near the playoffs. But, I guess we'll have to wait and see."

I ruffle his hair in response and reply. "Thanks, T. You're great. Don't forget it, nerd."

He tries to protest the insult, but just comes up with, "Whatever you say, jock. I'll see you later."

With that, I'm off to join my friends. I give them my answer based to what Talon said to me, and by the time I finish, it's time to go to class.

In what seems like as blink of an eye, I'm getting changed for practice. We have two days before the season gets underway, so Coach isn't letting us be anything less than our best. Several shooting drills and countless conditioning exercises later, I'm slumped with my back against my locker. I can't quite catch my breath, so I chug water in attempt to stop my breath from being so heavy. Coach lets us go after a long speech, and I see Talon sitting on the back of his truck with food. I silently thank whoever is controlling the world, because I needed this.

I approach Talon with a hug. "You are the best."

He feels warm under my arms, and I want to hold him forever. I let go when he sighs into my shoulder.

"I know. Figured you could use some fuel after the practice you just had."

We drive home in silence, with music and chewing noises in the background.

As part of preparation for the game, we've been assigned film to watch. Talon and I get settled on his living room couch, and I can't help but focus on the way his body is pressed up against mine. We look like a couple, almost, except I'm too scared to touch him. He's focused on the game, making little comments here and there about the other team's defense.

It's late by the time we've watched all of the film. Or rather, I've watched all of the film. Talon has been asleep for a couple hours now, and I don't the energy to move him off of my chest. I fall asleep after I shut off the TV, and it's the best sleep I've gotten in a while.

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