One Kiss Too Many

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We're back to our normal routine the next couple days, and they pass by in a blink of an eye.

I'm currently heading back to truck after school, since practice was cancelled. Coach has the flu, and might miss our game tomorrow.

Talon is still tutoring, so I wait for him in the bed. I read, and the doors unlock before I know it.

"Want to try again?"

I shake my head. We've been going to the park every night since the first one, but I can't put the car in drive just yet. He nods in understanding.

For the first time ever, Talon is more tired than I am. I chalk that up to the stress of college applications, tutoring, and lessons, but I'm not entirely sure.

He naps on my bed while I play Halo with some teammates, and only wakes up when I yell, "Fuck!"

There's a faint, "Language, Hunter." Behind me, which lets me know he's rejoined the land of the living.

I toss him a controller and we play until dinner time. Both of our parents are still working, so we grab Chick Fil A from town.

"I can't believe you don't dip your nuggets in sauce." There's judgement dripping from his voice, but I ignore it.

"Stop judging me. My food is mine."


It's dark when we pull into his driveway, and there's still no sight of my parents, so we opt for my house.

Talon disappears into the kitchen while I turn on the TV. He returns with a couple opened beers, and we cheer in hopes for a good game tomorrow.

By the time my parents get home, Talon has had a couple too many. I'm struggling to keep him quiet, and I'm worried they're gonna get suspicious.

I peak over the banister. The darkness downstairs tells me I'm in the clear. He's still dressed in jeans and a hoodie, and I can't get him to change to save his life.

"C'mon, T. We have to go to bed." It's a plead.

"Fine, we can sleep. You need it more than me, though."

"Probably not."

His next sentence changes everything. "I'm worried about the future."

I'm not sure I was supposed to hear that, so it hangs in the air while he strips out of his jeans and into my shorts.

Once we're both changed, he decides that he must go home.

I'm dumbfounded, because there's no way he can get across the fire escape like this. "No, you stay here, with me, tonight."

He gives up. "You're right. Not sure how many more nights like this we get."

That stings. A lot.

"We'll figure it out."

"We always do."

Once the lights are off, we turn our backs. It doesn't last long.

"I'm still not sleeping well." I doubt he's going to remember this tomorrow, and I take advantage of that.



He kisses me. It's brief, sloppy, and desperate.

It's over before my brain registers it happened.

I turn my back and don't look at him again, but sleep doesn't come.

The morning comes at lightening speed. I turned the alarm off a couple of hours ago, so Talon wakes up with the sun.

"My head hurts."

I hand him an Advil from my bathroom and a bottle of water.

"Get up, T. It's game day." I'm itching to know if he remembers last night.

He does, and off we go to school without a word of the night before.

I can't focus. Not on school, my friends. Nothing.

After what feels like a thousand years, I'm waiting to skate on the ice for warm ups. Talon's in his usual seat, but keeping his head down. He's "too hungover for this shit."

His words, not mine.

Nonetheless, he's yelling his ass off when I score. I almost feel normal.

We win the shootout, and get grilled by our assistant coach. After we've all showered, Evan offers to be my ride back to his place to hang out.

"I have better things to do."

"Yeah, I'm sure."

It's meant to be a joke. I know that, but somehow I feel exposed. I find Talon's eyes and motion him over.

"You're too good."

The tunnel is dimly lit, and I'm glad he can't see the color of my face.

"Thanks for coming. I know you don't feel good."

"Understatement of the year, H."

We walk out of the rink with our shoulders touching, and I can't help but wish he remembered. Kinda.

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