Missing You and A Bad Mood

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I wake up disorientated and for a minute, forgetting that I'm on Talon's living room couch. What doesn't slip my mind is the fact that Talon is basically on top of me. The alarm on his phone keeps setting off, and I end up waking him in the process of trying to get it to turn off. Once he realizes how he's laying, he practically jumps off of me.

"Uh, sorry H. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you last night."

"Don't worry about it. Your comments were helpful, as always. I think we just might open our season with a win."

That earns me a smile as he walks to the kitchen to brew coffee. I've always kept a change of clothes in Talon's closet, so I throw those on before heading downstairs. Talon is already dressed in his usual, jeans and a NHL team shirt. We make small talk about the changing weather before heading off to school. His parents bid him goodbye before we go, something I haven't experienced in some time.

The whole way to school, Talon talks about his new student he's tutoring. I love that he's so passionate about helping others, and yearn to have the same impact on people that he does. Once we reach school, we go our separate ways as usual, before I remind him that I don't have practice today because Coach wants us well-rested for the game tomorrow. I laugh to myself at the thought of getting excess sleep. I don't even get near enough on a regular basis, much less a night before a game.

All anyone is talking about is the game, as it has been this way all week. I'm tired of hearing about it and just want to play already, but I let them indulge in their fantasies.

I get my math test back in first period, and the big red F that is circled doesn't start my day off well. I doze off in the middle of the lesson and wake up with the bell.

School goes by as boring as it always does, but I have people wishing me good luck for tomorrow at every corner. I try to be kind and express my thanks, but I don't want to talk to anybody. I pass the directory in the main courtyard, and see Hannah's smiling face painted on the wall behind it. My mood gets even worse.

I'm out of class before Talon today, something that doesn't happen often. It's only on my way to his truck that I realize I don't have his keys. I make my way back to school, across the lawn and into the library, where I spot him sitting at a computer with a girl, who is touching his arm.

"Hey, T. Sorry to interrupt, but I need the keys."

He glances at me and tosses them in the air, and I'm on my way.

I pass the time waiting for Talon by rewatching film, and before I know it, the driver door opens and Talon throws his backpack behind him.

My curiosity gets the best of me. "Who is that girl?"

He shrugs, and doesn't make eye contact. "That's just Riley. She's another tutor. Why, you think she's pretty?"

I shake my head. "No, but she sure does seem interested in you." I touch his arm to mimic Riley.

"Yeah, she's not my type."

"And your type is what, Talon? You're not exactly a ladies man."

He laughs, and almost runs a stop sign. "I'm not sure. I'm not looking at the moment, either. I have to focus on school."

I totally understand where he's coming from. I don't really have the time right now to start a relationship either, but the thought is nice.

"Have you thought about where you're applying yet? I know you've mentioned Ivy more than once."

I listen to him talk about college the rest of the way home, and for the first time in a few days, we head into our houses with a simple goodbye.

My parents aren't even close to getting home yet, but that doesn't stop me from staring at the pictures of Hannah that are plastered by the stairs. I see my favorite one. It's of the two of us, and we're almost 16. She's sitting in the driver seat of her car, and I look absolutely terrified for the passenger seat. It's the picture that haunts me at night often, because I feel like it was some sign from the universe about what was to come. I haven't even thought about getting behind the wheel since that night.

Mom and Dad get home a couple hours later, and they bring dinner. We eat in silence, since conversation is rare these days. I stare at the seat where Hannah once sat, and I can almost feel like she's there.

I head up to my room and lay out my uniform on my desk chair. A knock on the window gets my attention, and I see Talon standing on the fire escape. I open my window, and Talon takes a seat on my bed.

"Wow, dude! You guys got new uniforms and everything, huh?"

I nod. I have to admit, our new gear is really cool. I toss a jersey from my closet at him, and I half-expect him to throw it back. But, he doesn't. Instead he asks, "Do you think this would go better with jeans or black pants?"

I entertain his need for fashion advice. "Jeans, for sure. The jersey itself is black."

He nods in agreement.

When I look back at him, I realize that he's already in his pajamas. Or rather, sweats and my sweatshirt.

I pull the curtain closed and start to undress. "Are you spending the night?"

"If it's okay with you and your parents."

That last part is a courtesy, because he knows they'll have no objection whatsoever. Once I'm in my own pajamas, I pull back the covers and get in bed. After I turn off the light, we end up facing opposite directions. A few minutes pass before Talon speaks again.

"I'm cold. Do you have an extra blanket in your closet?"

I just toss more of the blanket in his direction as a response.

Sometime during the night, Talon's body finds my own.

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