Cheaters Break Hearts

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For the first time in a while, I wake up without Talon in my bed. There's a sting in my chest at the thought, but I ignore it. It's game day, and I can't wait to play. After I get dressed, in a hoodie and my jersey, of course, I'm met with a whole breakfast downstairs. Mom is pouring syrup over pancakes and Dad is chewing on some bacon. I go straight to the coffee pot.

Mom acknowledges me first. "Hi, baby. How'd you sleep? Ready to play tonight?"

I nod while sipping on some coffee and nibbling on bacon. Talon comes through my back door and takes a seat at the table, helping himself to the plate of eggs.

"Hey, H. It's game day."

"I know, T. I'm wearing my jersey for a reason."

He shoves me in response and I drop my bacon. I pick it up and throw it at him. He scoffs.

After he talks to my parents about the game tonight, we set off for school.

My friends can't wait. I can't either, honestly.

The bell rings, and Mrs. Beckett greets me by telling me good luck. There's a first time for everything, I guess.

Lunch is chaos. Everyone is talking so fast, I can't keep up. Brooke helps herself to my lap and I probably look mortified. She stays there until the bell, continuing her conversation with Evan's girlfriend, Peyton. They're both cheerleaders, so they know each other well.

We have a home game tonight, so we have a few hours to kill before we have to be at school. Talon is with Kate, so I read.

He doesn't come home before I have to leave, so I walk to school.

Warm ups are fast. My heart is racing, and I can almost feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Before the team huddle, I see Talon and my parents. Kate is nowhere to be found, but I'm sure she'll make an appearance during the game.

After I meet with the referees at center ice, the whistle blows. I'm on fire, and playing great. I score within the first five minutes, and the crowd goes nuts. I see Talon smiling proudly, and it's the first time I notice he has my jersey on. He must've gotten it from my closet.

The game is ours by the half, but Coach doesn't want us to get cocky. I'm benched for the last 15 minutes, but it doesn't matter.

Back in the locker room, some of the guys are talking about going back to Evan's to hang out and celebrate. It's Friday night, so almost everyone agrees. Jackson opts out, telling us his girlfriend wants to spend time with him alone, since her parents aren't home. The excuse is met with hollers that echo across the room.

After I exit the locker room, I witness Talon laughing at something Kate said. I walk up to him, and he's elated. "You were so good tonight, H. I'm proud of you."

He embraces me, and the warmth of this skin sends my heartbeat through the roof.

"Do you have any plans? We could go to dinner, if you want."

"Actually, T, can I take a rain check? Evan is throwing a party to celebrate and I told him I'd go."

His mood shifts, and I know he's disappointed. "Yeah, sure. I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah. We'll go out for breakfast. Sound good?"

"Mhm. Great job tonight, dude."

We hug, and he walks away with Kate.

I walk to Evan's, so I arrive a little late.

"There's the man of the hour!"

I blush, and go find myself something to drink. Once I decide on some Sprite, I join the guys outside on the patio. Most of them are drunk, so they're talking trash about the game. I laugh, but don't contribute anything.

Much to my dismay, Brooke sits on my lap as soon as she sees me. I hope she knows I'm not going home with her tonight.

Evan tells everyone to shut up, and turns the volume on the TV as loud as it can go. I see myself on the TV, and realize my interview is broadcasting. It feels weird to watch myself on TV, so I tune it out.

My eyes land on the impossible. At first, I just see my teammate Caleb making out with a girl. Then, I realize I know her. It's Kate. As quick as I can, I take a picture.

My heart stops and I'm confused as ever.

"Dude, you're famous. I mean, I'll never be on Channel 5!" Evan is being dramatic, so I just shrug. I don't know how to respond.

I can't get the image of Kate out of my head. I see her sitting on his lap, but I'm not sure if she notices me or not. I decide it's best if I don't engage her.

I start to feel sick with hatred, so I find Evan. "I'm going to head home, okay? Great game tonight."

"Thanks, brother. You too."

My walk home isn't even really a walk, but a sprint. By the time I reach my front door, I'm out of breath. I ignore my parents congratulatory comments, and make a beeline for my window. Talon's light is off, but I don't care. I knock as loud as I can, and it only takes a few seconds for Talon to open his window.

I realize I haven't exactly thought out how I'm going to tell him. My mouth moves faster than my brain. "I'm sorry."

"It's not a big deal. You have friends outside of me. You don't have to be sorry."

I shake my head and show him the picture. He's frozen, and a single tear slips down his cheek.

I hug him as tight as I can, and my shoulder becomes wet with tears.

Love, Life, Hockey  (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang