Confessions Mean New Beginnings

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The locker room is a zoo. There's reporters at every turn, but almost nobody is paying attention to me. I shower and change quietly; however, Coach stops me before I leave. "What's going on, kid?"

I kissed my best friend. I'm gay. "Nothing, just an off day."

"You need to get it together. Get some sleep and come ready on Monday."

I nod. He gets asked to answer some questions for a local news station, and I exit the locker room before anyone can invite me to the party I know they'll be throwing.

Talon still waits for me in the tunnel with my mom and dad. We avoid eye contact, and I don't pay my parents any attention as we walk out of the arena. I count my steps until we reach the car.

My mom glances at us. We're standing far apart, but not far enough for me. "You boys going out to celebrate?"

I look at Talon, and he answers. "I think we're just gonna get some take out and go back to my place."

I nod in agreement. Mom strides towards me and envelopes me in a hug. "Alright. We're going out to eat, and we'll be home late."

There's absolutely no conversation when we start driving. He only addresses me to ask what I want to eat. "Don't care."

He pulls into the Sonic drive thru and orders without hesitation. We eat on the way home, and have an excuse for the lack of communication.

Once we pull into his driveway, I expect him to go into his house without a word. I'm certainly looking for a reason to go to bed.

He pulls the key from the ignition and looks to me. "You coming in?"

I'm nervous, and he can probably tell. "Yeah, if that's what you want."

"It is."

His parents left him a note on the kitchen table, and it seems like he has the house to himself for the rest of the weekend. "Sweet. Looks like I have a date with my couch and hockey tomorrow. Would you like to join?"

He knows I don't like watching hockey all that much. Nonetheless, I'm a good friend. "I'm in. Snacks?"

"We'll go to the store in the morning. "

There's a pause, and it's uncomfortable. It's been quite a while since we've had nothing to say to each other. We have a lot to talk about despite the silence.

My phone rings, and I pick it up. It's Jackson, my teammate. "Bro, party at Owen's house. You coming?"

My response disappoints him, but I couldn't care less. Partying is the last thing I want to do right now. "No, too tired."

The excuse isn't valid, but he buys it. "Damn. See you Monday."

The dial tone rings in my ear before I put my phone back in my pocket. Talon is sitting on the kitchen counter, undoubtably scrolling through pictures from tonight's game. I look over his shoulder and instantly know I'm right. "Any good ones?"

There's one in particular. James had just scored during a penalty, and I jumped all over him. It makes me smile.

"Want to look at the rest?"

I do. He hands me his phone, and I scroll down to see the remaining photos. It was a good win, I'll say that much.

Talon catches my attention. "I gotta go pee."

I know I shouldn't, but I snoop through his phone. The messages aren't that good, save for the recent ones from his parents.

'Liking boys is a sin, Talon.' His mom is religious, and it pisses me off.

'You could do so much better than Hunter. He's an airhead.' I thought his dad liked me.

'Bisexuality doesn't exist, stop thinking it does.' I am confused.

I'm sure there's more, but I'm interrupted when he reappears.

I can't stop staring. He notices. "What's up?"

I point to his phone. "Your parents."

He gets defensive. "You shouldn't have snooped."

"Liking boys doesn't mean you're going to hell."

He sighs. "I'm aware."

I really need to stop being so snarky. "Are you?"

"It's none of your business."

"Yes it is!"


"You kissed me!"

He has nothing to say after that. Well. Not that he could because I'm kissing him while holding him up against his living room wall.

My hands go to his waist and his fingers are interlaced around my neck. We stay like this for a few moments, until my lungs burn. The moment is fleeting, and I'd do anything to get it back.

His voice is soft. "What does this mean?"

I like him. "I don't know."

He kisses me again. We stumble up the stairs, and he fumbles with my belt.

Love, Life, Hockey  (boyxboy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt