Weekend Blues

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The weekend is here, at last. I don't see much of Talon, because he usually spends his days tutoring younger kids at the local library. I, however, don't really get out of bed except for family brunch on Saturday. For some reason, Mom is making an effort to do things as a family again. It feels good.

I'm currently sitting at church. It's early Sunday morning, and probably around 10:00. Despite everything that has happened in the last year, we always go to church. I don't believe in God. At least, not anymore.

I think Talon can tell I'm not paying attention to the sermon being given in front of me, because he's looking at me with accusatory eyes. I stifle a laugh and roll my eyes. My dad nudges me and I turn back to face the man in front of me.

Once church is over, I get invited to hang out with some of my teammates at Evan's house. He has a pool that's still open, and that's enough to get me out of my room. He lives a couple blocks away, so I walk.

Turns out, it's a mini celebration for the win on Friday. I know everyone at the party, but that's not a big accomplishment in a town as small as this.

As the day turns into night and the sun begins to set, I find Brooke Ashley sitting on my lap. She's a cheerleader, and a pretty one at that. I'm almost certain she's into me. The thought makes me uncomfortable, but I don't move. She's going on about how well I played, but I tuned her out a little bit ago. I'm more interested in the game of beer pong happening from across the pool.

"Hunter? Do you want to leave? We can drive back to my house, if you want." I know she's just using me so she can tell all her friends we hooked up, plus I'm not exactly into girls that way. Not that I could ever admit that aloud.

"Thanks for the offer, Brooke. I actually think I'm gonna head out." I push her off of me and stand up so I can say goodbye to my teammates.

After I bid everyone a goodbye, I walk alone in the middle of the street on the way back to my house. The road is well-lit, with streetlights planted every few feet. I take my time, thinking about where I am in life. There's not much that makes me happy, and my chest feels heavy as I approach my front door. The lights are off all around the house, which means my parents are asleep. I won't get in trouble for being out this late on a school night. If Hannah was still here, we would've gone together and been home at 9:00 sharp. I don't get in trouble for anything anymore, and I take advantage of that more than I should.

The door creaks when it opens, but I quickly shut it and make my way upstairs. It takes a good amount of energy to change into pajamas, and I fall into bed without a care. There's a flash by my window, and I see Talon standing with a flashlight at his window. We open them at the same time.

He speaks first. "God, it's got to be exhausting sitting by a pool all day, doesn't it?" The sarcasm dripping from his voice is evident.

"Popularity isn't all it's cracked up to be." I'm being brutally honest, but I don't think Talon can sense it.

He surprises me. "I know, Golden Boy. At least you'll be out of here before you know it."

I take a minute to process what he says. He's right, the draft is in less than 9 months. Somehow, I feel like I'll never be able to get out of this town.

"You're right. You will be too."

He starts talking about going to school wherever I'm drafted, so we can live together. He doesn't think we can handle a long-distance friendship, and I agree with him.

"It looks like the top three draft picks are going to Boston, New Jersey, and Carolina."

"Well, it's good thing you're applying to Harvard, Princeton, and Duke."

He laughs, and nods in agreement. "Not just those, but yeah. It's a good thing I'm applying there."

"We have almost a year until we have to make decisions. Things might change between now and then."

Talon knows that normal as we know it will be ending faster than we can handle. But, in the long run, I know we'll figure it out. We have to.

"On an unrelated note, do you want to spend the night? I put an extra blanket on the edge, just for you."

Talon nods excitedly and exits his window before shutting it quietly. Even after all of the socializing today, I don't want to be alone. Or rather, I just want to be with Talon.

We climb into bed, and the extra blanket remains untouched at the end. "I'll grab it if I need it, but I think your body heat might just suffice. You're a walking space heater."

If only he knew how much I want to cuddle with him. Before dozing off, I dream about what it would be like, us living together in a city far away from Utah. I dream about how I might just be able to be myself. Oh, how nice it must be to grow up in a place where who you love isn't a big deal.

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