What Do You Know?

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Practice is long, and hard. I'm beat when the final whistle rings through the rink, and send a silent thank you up to the man above.

Talon has made a habit of waiting for me in the stands, but I'm too tired to skate today, so we head to the car.

In what might be his craziest idea ever, he tosses me the keys when we get about 50 feet away from his truck.


I throw them back at him, but they find the granite instead of his hands.

"This could be good for you."

"Nope, don't think so."

We're at a standstill in the middle of the school parking lot, but I could care less.

"I'm not driving you home if you don't get behind the wheel."

I start walking towards the road when I hear Talon's voice again. "She wouldn't of wanted you to live your life scared of driving a car."

That cuts deeper than he knows. "You don't know what she wanted."

I don't hear him again, and we don't talk the rest of the day.

Instead, I sit in the passenger seat of Hannah's car. It was destroyed in the accident, but mom and dad had it fixed for me. I don't think they thought it was going to sit in the driveway forever.

That night plays on repeat in my head, and I can't escape her scream.

The bridge was closed, but we weren't paying attention, too wrapped up in conversation about this new boy she liked. I can't even remember his name, less than a year later. We hit the gate and flipped four times in mid-air, but all I could hear was her voice and her hand clutching mine. Her last words will be burned into my mind for the rest of my life. "Get out of the car, Hunter! I love you, okay?"

I tried everything I could to get her out, but my attempt was too little, too late, and I felt the life leave her body. By now, I can't stop the tears; I scream and bang my head against the glovebox.

The rest of the night is a blur. I don't mention my afternoon to my parents, but I know they're wondering why Talon isn't here.

I don't sleep, even though I know I should.

The next morning rolls around too slow, and I avoid my parents when I close the front door.

Talon is standing in front of my house after I lock up. "I'm sorry."

I walk right past him and he runs after me. "Don't do this to me."

I answer him this time. "I have nothing to say to you."

"At least let me drive you to school. Besides, it's game day."

"Don't bother coming."

I walk a little bit further before I realize what I just did. It only takes a few minutes until Talon passes me in his truck. What the hell did I just do?

I barely make it to class on time. School goes by quicker than I thought it would and I spend lunch by myself in the library, but the time between the last bell and the game feels eternal.

My head is pounding and I'm dizzy during warmups. It takes a glance at the snack box for me to realize I haven't eaten anything all day. I grab some peanuts and a granola bar.

My parents make it to the game, but Talon is nowhere to be found. It's a hard pill to swallow, but I did this to myself, as much as I don't want to admit it.

Even with everything that's going on, I score twice. We win, and for a split second, I'm on cloud nine. I'm brought back to reality when I see my parents in the tunnel. My dad greets me before I can get a word in. "Someone is here to see you."

I'm so unprepared for an interview or scout meeting I can't think straight. I let out a breath when I see Talon leaned up against the wall behind them. '

My mom breaks the silence. "We'll leave you two alone."

He walks toward me. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just want to know why you're so off some days. I figured that would be a nice way to get you out of your head."

I don't say anything. I hug him instead. He embraces me, and I can feel my tears on his shirt.

He taps my back and says, "Come on, let's get out of here."

Talon leads me to his truck, and I don't protest. We end up at the playground, and I've dried my tears by now.

"It's my fault, you were just trying to help."

He shrugs his shoulders as we take a seat on the swings.

"Some days I think she wanted this for me more than I did."

"Wanted what?"

"This life. Hockey, the NHL. It's not just for me, not anymore."

"I know you want to make her proud."

I take his hand and stand up before I even know what I'm doing. "Come with me."

I unclip his keys from his jeans. "Can I?"

His smile lets me know it's more than okay.

I turn the key in the ignition, but that's as far as I get.

"At least you gave it a shot."

I look at him, and the goofy smile spread across his face is more than enough.

"Yeah, I did."

He drives us home, but I don't miss the fact that he holds my hand the whole way.

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