Skipping and Dating

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I wake up to find Talon on the other side of the bed. A wave of disappointment runs through my body, before I wash it away by heading downstairs. It's not even close to when I have to be up for school, judging by how dark it is outside. I make some instant coffee and head out the back door into the chilly September air.

The air is cold against my cheek, and I take a seat outside by our table. A figure comes around the corner, but I'm sure it's just Hershey, our dog. She makes an appearance, but behind her follows my dad.

"Hey, kiddo. It's like four in the morning. What are you doing up?"

I shrug. "Just woke up and made some coffee. Came out here so I didn't wake anyone up."

He nods and sits down beside me. Hershey is full of energy and chases a tennis ball, while we watch. Dad breaks the silence after a few minutes.

"You used to go get in bed with Hannah."

He can see the confusion in my face from the back door light.

"When you couldn't sleep, you'd climb into bed with your sister."

"Mhm. That seems like forever ago."

It's the truth. Some days, I feel like the accident happened yesterday. Others, another lifetime.

He pats my shoulder and heads inside, leaving me alone with my thoughts and warm coffee.

I sit in silence until I see the sun peaking over the horizon, and as soon as I start to head back inside, the door opens. It's Talon juggling two mugs of coffee.

He hands one to me and leans against the table. "The world is strange. How can something so simple be so beautiful?"

I take a second to ponder his question. Truthfully, I don't know. I don't like watching the sun rise anymore. I feel like I shouldn't be able to, like I'm living on borrowed time.

"Not sure. I used to think it was the best view ever. Now, I don't know."

He nods in understanding. He knows why I feel that way, and doesn't push the explanation.

He says something I've never heard come out of his mouth. "Let's not go to school today."

I'm sure he's gone crazy. Or been replaced by a robot. Either is just as probable regarding that suggestion. "Talon, are you serious?"

"Yes. It's senior year, and we both seem like we need a break. I'll get you to school in time for practice, don't worry."

We wait for my parents to pull out of the driveway before heading back inside. Talon changes into different clothes, my clothes, and my heart leaps. We decide on going into town for breakfast, since we have some time to kill.

We sit at a booth until late morning. We finished our food over an hour ago, but have received no opposition to staying here as long as we'd like. It's Monday morning, so the restaurant is slow and quiet. I'm at peace, and Talon has my undivided attention as he tells me a story about his parents at church last Wednesday.

I don't go to youth group anymore, but Talon does. He tells me it's boring without me. I smile.

We leave a little while later, and Talon suggests getting ice cream. I know I'll probably regret this during practice, but in the moment, I couldn't care less.

He decides on a chocolate with vanilla swirl, while I opt for Rocky Road, my favorite. He parks in an empty lot and we sit in the bed, eating. He has some chocolate on his face, and I fight the urge to wipe it away with my fingers. We're talking about nonsense when Talon shares some very exciting news.

"So, I can't hang out tonight. I have a date."

I can't hide the shock on my face.

"Yes I know. How could I have asked someone on a date? Her name is Kate. She's in my advanced literature class."

I'm genuinely happy for him, but at the same time, jealous of Kate. "That's great, T. I hope it goes well."

And, I do. I like anything that makes him happy. I just wish it was me.

We drive to school in silence, with the radio being the only exception. As I hop out of the passenger seat, I notice Talon has waited for me instead of heading straight to the library.

We walk into school side by side, shoulders touching, until we have to go our separate ways.

Everyone at practice wonders where I was. "Out with a friend." is my response.

The subject of my whereabouts is dropped as soon as Coach starts talking.

"Okay, boys. We've got a game tomorrow, and it's not going to be easy. Our offense can't let up like last game." He's looking directly at me.

We nod, and practice begins. It's not very difficult, and ends after a couple hours. Everyone is buzzing about tomorrow night, me included.

Talon had to leave early so that he could get to his date on time, so Evan offers to drive me. I decline. I haven't let anyone drive me anywhere except for Talon and my parents since the accident. I end up walking home, and when I get there, Talon's truck is still in the driveway, so I head to his front door.

It's locked, but I have my own key. Once I turn the corner into Talon's room, I'm met with clothes thrown everywhere and a stressed boy sitting in the corner of the room. "Oh, thank God you're here."

I chuckle. "What's up, can't figure out what to wear?"

He shakes his head in defeat. I pick up jeans and a button down from the pile by his dresser. The shirt is blue, which will make his eyes look good. I toss them towards him, and he puts it on. Admiring himself in the mirror, he nods in approval.

"What would I ever do without you?"

"Not have anything to wear."

He shoves me backwards, and goes to the bathroom to style his hair.

A few minutes later, he's headed out the door. "Come over after and tell me all about it."

"Of course, H. Thank you for the help. See you later."

I watch him until he turns the corner on our street and head back to my house after locking the door behind me.

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