Skipping Chruch, Too Fast, Please Slow Down

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Talon and I go our separate ways when we pull into his driveway. We don't talk the rest of the day, and I don't leave my bed.

I get out of church on Sunday because I tell Mom I'm not feeling well, so I'm alone for the morning.

There's a few hockey games left over in the recordings, so I watch them to pass the time. By the time my parents get home, I'm asleep in the living room.

I wake up to find out that Mom has invited Talon and his parents over for dinner, so she's cooking. I ask her if she needs help, but she pleads with me to take a shower. I do as she asks, and spend a half hour letting the warm water relax me.

I'm scared half to death when I walk into my room, only a towel around my waist. Talon is sitting on my bed, flipping through a hockey magazine.

"You couldn't wait for me to come downstairs?"

"Nope. It doesn't even matter. I've seen you half naked before."

He has a point, so I just continue getting dressed. We head downstairs together, and sit opposite each other at the table. Our parents are engaged in a conversation about other parents from church, so I zone out. I don't care about church gossip.

Talon's dad, Seth, addresses me. "So, Hunter, how's hockey? Talon tells me you've been playing well."

"The season has been good to us. I've been playing well, which is always nice."

As soon as Mom is done cooking, the table is silent except for the sound of forks scraping against plates.

Talon and I offer to help clean up after, but Mom declines. We end up walking around the neighborhood.

"I don't know how you do this all the time."

"Walking? It's easy. Driving is hard."

"We're gonna have to agree to disagree. I do wish you'd get back behind the wheel, though. It'd be good for you."

I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon, so I don't respond. We reach our neighborhood park, and sit on the swings while watching a few kids take turns going down the slide. Talon is oddly quiet, and it's beginning to concern me.

"What's on your mind, T? You're being quiet."

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it."

I trust him, so I don't press the issue.

We swing for a while, and I try to live in the moment.

After we get home, we play all kinds of video games. Talon leaves just after midnight, and I fall asleep shortly after.

After I'm dressed in the morning, I walk downstairs and my parents are laughing. It's been a while since I heard that, and it makes me smile.

I do my best not to disturb them, but I need coffee.

I don't end up talking to them, but I fill the silence in Talon's truck on the way to school. He's nervous about a presentation in one of his classes, so I do my best to help him relax. I wish him good luck before we walk into school.

Staying engaged throughout school has been proven to be challenging, but I manage. Lunch rolls around but I bypass my friends. I opt for the back of Talon's truck, and finish the book I've been reading for the past couple weeks. The end isn't quite what I wanted it to be, and it dampens my mood slightly. I grab another one out of my backpack and get lost in a world that isn't my own.

The book is about a boy at a new school, in a small town. He's gay, but tries to hide it the best he can. I get a few chapters in before I stop reading. I don't need to read my life story, save for the fact I've lived here forever.

I set an alarm for practice and use my backpack as a pillow before falling asleep.

Practice is hard, but short. I get out within the hour, and I'm sure Talon I still tutoring in the library, so I go to fetch the keys from him.

Once I'm inside, I start to wander through the shelves of books set up against the back corner of the building. Most people just use the space for studying, and I'm sure some of these books haven't been touched in years.

I reach the romance section, and grab a few that look interesting. What can I say, I'm a sucker for cheesy high school love. Strictly in literature, of course.

The librarian doesn't pass any judgement as she checks out my books, and tells me I have a week to return them. I quietly thank her, before putting the books in my bag as discreetly as I can.

Not discreetly enough, as it turns out. When I look up from my backpack, Talon is looking at me. "I never pegged you for the romance type."

I laugh, blood rushing to my cheeks. "There's probably a lot you don't know about me."

"Oh, I doubt that."

I meant what I said, but I don't respond, leaving the thought up in the air. "You ready to head home?"

He nods, and we walk side by side to the car, shoulders touching the whole way.

The ride home is filled with loud music, jokes, and Talon going at least 25 over the speed limit. I'm nervous, and I think he can tell.

"I'll slow down if you tell me to."

I feel like he's daring me to ask him to slow down. I don't, but my grip on the seat gives me away. He goes 5 under the limit the rest of the way.

A/N: Here's the rest of what I've written in the past couple days. I hope y'all like it. Stay safe!!

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