Final Notes

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First, I'd like to start off by saying how much I have enjoyed writing The Scent of Vampires.  There were some struggles and definitely moments where I had writer's block, but it's because of you readers that I pushed myself to keep writing. At first, I intended for this to be only one book. As the story progressed, and the characters developed I soon realized one book wasn't going to be enough to encompass all that was happening.

I'm excited to write the next book but I will be perfectly honest, I feel I need a little break. I plan on going back and doing extensive editing and try and clean up things I've missed. I don't anticipate changes to plot or content that would require readers to go back and read the story again. If for some reason there are larger changes than I anticipate, I will post about them here. Otherwise, mostly I will be working on sentence structure and grammar and any other inconsistencies.

A few chapters back, I gave a preview for the cover of book two featuring a depiction of Amelie. You can search for the title, Scent of Flames. My goal is to start posting chapters the first part of September. By then, I hope to have good plot points and story structure, along with a head start on chapters. My goal is to be two or three chapters ahead of posting. This will take a lot of stress off my shoulders each week.

That leads me to the schedule. The last couple of months I have been posting two chapters a week. This has been really difficult to manage along with everything else going on in my life. For that reason I will post once a week on Wednesdays. If I can manage a bonus chapter here and there, I will post those on Fridays.

I am grateful for all those who have read my work. I hope you will stay tuned for more to come. I look forward to delving more into these characters. We will also see more into Amelie's past. And don't forget Pixie and Hudson. We have to find out how their search for the dragon crystals is going.

As always,

Stay healthy and happy!❤️

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