Ch. 16 ' Rahman

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Jason warned me.
He told me the juice would give me diarrhoea if I drank too much of it. Why did I act stupid and not listen?

The hall spins as I trudge towards my locker, all energy drained from my body. I open the locker and reach for my bag. From inside it, I bring out a tissue and blow my nose. An ache goes up my head and a sneeze follow. I grasp my head and groan.

This isn't the juice.

Could Jason have cast an evil eye on me? I gasp as the thought comes to mind. Has he not forgiven me?
Or he had done that before forgiving me?


I stuff my bag back into the locker and close it. I must've caught a cold. Besides, Jason looked like he was joking when he said the drink would make me purge, and from the little I know, cold doesn't come with diarrhoea.

My stomach churns. I move away from the locker, returning to the restroom which has housed me since morning. I was only able to make it to the first class and stumbled out ten minutes after. I've since been stuck in the toilet.

Only God knows if some of my intestines aren't missing already. Pain tugs at my stomach and I hurry. I'm almost there when I hit someone.

I mentally curse. I'm dazed, but the other person should've been looking. This isn't the time to be bumping into people.

Without looking up or trying to see through the spinning world, I push the person out of the way and mumble a sorry.

I get pulled back. Oh well . . .
"I said I'm so—"

I stop when I see who it is. Rahman.

"How do we keep bumping into each other?" I ask, weakness emanating from the pores of my words.

"I don't know," he replies, putting whatever he'd been busy with into his pocket.

His eyes peer into mine and I shift back, uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?"

I nod. "Yes." I make to leave. "Like you care."

"Hey" —he stops me— "I care. Okay?"

My forehead lines up as I look for the point in his statement. "Yet you wanted me kicked out of the party?"

"I didn't know you're Jason's sis—"


"Sure sure. That automatically puts you in the clique. Let's start over. Nice to meet you." He puts out his hand for a handshake. "I'm— they call me Rahman."

I sigh and put my hand in his. "I'm, they call me Yesmi."

He shakes a finger in my face. "I see what you did there."

I giggle, mainly to hide the grimace forming on my face. It feels like something's clawing at my insides. "I'm glad you do."

"I can tell we'll get along well."

I scoff. "You mean," I pause for emphasis, "bump along."

He turns up a blank face. I add, "A pun. I was being funny."

"Oh" —he raises his head— "I'm supposed to laugh," he says, after which he lets some noises out of his throat in the guise of laughter.

I frown. "It's actually funny. You're just too dumb to get it." I brush him to the side. "Excuse me, I was going to the restroom."

"Are you kidding? That's the gents."

I turn. "What?" This is where I've been since morning! I shake my head. Or not?

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