Ch. 17 ' Oops, a Slap.

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Literally speaking, I almost die from embarrassment.

It seeps through every pore in my skin and comes in with the air I breathe. It clogs my throat, suffocating me. And as Rahman's face produces a disgusted scowl, I can feel it running through my veins.

Why is my life like this? Just why?

My stomach rumbles again, snapping me out of my self-pity. If I don't do something quick, I'll end up disgracing myself more than I already have.

Steadily, I get up from the table and make off. Away from the guys on Rahman's table who had all produced an 'Eww'. Away from the chuckles and snorts. Away from Sam and Mal's terrified faces. Away from . . . everything.

When I hear Mal calling my name, I increase my pace and sprint out of the cafe.

It must be Karma getting back at me for ruining Jason's phone. Or maybe Jason did cast an evil eye on me . . .


The girl, standing across the restroom and typing furiously at her phone, is oblivious of being watched. I don't know what it is about her that gets to me. Her slim, endless legs? Her frowning, yet ridiculously pretty face? Her one side pink-one side purple, hair styled in a Bob?

Whatever it is doesn't help my case when she raises her head and catches me staring. Trying to give a cool outlook, I cross my arms and rest on the wall, remembering at the last moment there's no wall by my side.

"H— hey," she stutters, moving forward to perhaps catch me.

Luckily, I'm able to steady myself. I've fallen enough for one day.
"I'm fine," I assure, still staggering. "Fine."

She gives me an all-round once-over before saying, "Yesmi, is it not?"

My nod is crooked. "You know me?"

"Who doesn't know you?" she says, taking off her bag and putting her phone in it— which by the way is the only thing that can fit into the bag. "The bad-ass that whacked Leo's butt. Jason's stepsister."

Relief washes over me. I'm scared of being known as the girl who fart— God forbid. I quickly reject the thought. "I see."

She eyes me warily as she puts on her bag, and with a final harsh glance at me, walks away. Not knowing what else to do, I follow her.

"What?" she asks.

"Si— Sickbay. I mean, Clinic. Could you help me to the school clinic?"

"I'm a friend of Leo."


"So?" I ask, pretending to not understand.

A line appears between her brows. "Leave me alone."

I fight the urge to jut out my tongue and turn. A few seconds later, a cold hand circles my arm and I get pulled. The girl drags me continuously towards where I hope is the sickbay.

I grin, undeterred by the frown on her face. "Thank you. You are?"

"Angel," she answers, not slowing down nor loosening her grip. "Now shut up and walk faster. I'm late for class."

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