Chapter 3

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" Students, greet your new classmate"

"Hello, my name is F/N L/N. I am a transfer student from Nagoya Internal school. Thanks for having me. "

" You can sit there "-  teacher pointed at the free seat.

You took your seat and got ready for the lesson. When a lesson ended you heard someone talking to you.

" Hi L/N- chan. I am So Inouka. Nice to meet you. "

"Hey Inouka-kun, nice to meet you, too. Hope we will get along". - you smiled.

Inouka sits next to you at class. He seems a nice person.

"So why did you transfer here? I'm sorry if I'm too curious".

" No, it's fine. I transferred here to start a new life. That's the only reason why I am here."

"Wow. Independence is really cool. I wish I were just like you, living my own life."

You both laugh.

" I'm not that cool by the way."

"Oh come on, you are!"

"I don't think so, but thanks anyway."

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