Chapter 2 Sorry

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"Take it. You don't want to be late. " Amy said stretching her hand with the box on it. 

"Aims, I..." Sean started but was interrupted by her.

"Just go, and good luck tonight."

Sean seemed to want to say something but knew he was going to be late and walked away locking the door. Amy felt confused, why would Sean share with her he was proposing to his girlfriend that night?It made no sense, they would always tell each other everything. She wasn't sure how to feel, as a part of her felt betrayed as well. Of course, she wanted him to be successful that night and come back saying Ms. Reynolds said yes. Amy had several feelings encountered, and needed to ventilate how she felt. So she started dialing Dana's number on her phone but the line was busy. She cursed her bad luck.

It was not easy for Jeremy being away from his mom, who he cherished dearly, or his girlfriend and his friends but he tried to be positive about his situation. He was now at MIT, studying Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, fullfing his dream and hoping to learn everything he could.He was reading information about the career on his laptop, feeling fascinated with the achievements some graduates had: two graduate students were announced as recipients of  Facebook Fellowship Awards, one of them in computer graphics, the other one in machine learning. Other graduates achieved awards and prizes on conferences or paperworks, making him wish he would be as great as any of them. He was eating on a restaurant located on the campus while speaking with Dana on the phone. 

"Have made any new friends?" Dana asked.

"Nope, I have been friendly with some people but nothing formal yet. Yesterday I was speaking with my mom, she asked me if i have spoken with Jason. " 

"Have you?" 

"No, I know I should since he's paying tuition and he's my father, but I still don't feel a connection with him."

"No worries, you can't force a relationship with him. Specially since he has been absent most of your life.It takes time. At least write him an email asking him how he is and telling him what are you up to."

"That's a great idea, thanks for listening."

"There's nothing to thank. I love you and I care about you,whenever you need someone to talk with I'm  a phone call away. " 

"I love you too. Sweet dreams. "

They both hanged at the same time. Jeremy placed the phone down and started looking information about the Facebook Fellowship Program and when he did he started reading it. The idea of getting to know Mark Zuckerberg, or people working with him would be a great experience for him.

The Facebook Fellowship is a global program designed to encourage and support promising doctoral students who are engaged in innovative and relevant research in areas related to computer science and engineering at an accredited university.

The program is open to students in any year of their PhD study. We also encourage people of diverse backgrounds and experiences to apply, especially those from traditionally under-represented minority groups. Applications are evaluated based on the strength of the student's research statement, publication record and recommendation letters.

Winners of the Fellowship are entitled to receive two years of paid tuition and fees, a $42,000 annual stipend to cover living and conference travel costs, a paid visit to Facebook headquarters for the annual Fellowship Summit, and various opportunities to engage with Facebook researchers.

 "Excuse, my phone just died. Would you mind if Iborrowed your phone?"

Jeremy raised his look from his laptop and it was  a pretty black girl with dark brown eyes and long curls. Her look was pleading,as if Jeremy was her lost hope.

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