Chapter 2: Sansa

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When morning came, Sansa and Arya were woken up by the sound of Sam Tarly dropping a pan in the kitchen.

"Fucking Hells, Tarly! Get your shit together!" Gendry hissed.

"I'm sorry... it slipped." Sam whispered.

Gendry gave an exasperated sigh. Arya chuckled next to her. Sansa opened her eyes and found herself curled up in a ball next to her little sister who was starring at the ceiling smiling to herself while she heard Sam frustrate the shit out of Gendry. Sansa sat up and went to get up. She noticed Jon sleeping in a chair next to the couch. His dark curls were a mess and he was drooling. She still couldn't believe he'd come to help her. They were never close. Jon and Arya were always thick as thieves. Jon must have come down to visit Arya. He was so soft hearted and sensitive. While at the same time intimidating. No one fucked with Jon Snow. She brushed a stand of hair from his face. She felt a rush of gratitude and affection for her adopted brother. Sansa went to the bathroom. She did her business and splashed water on her face. She looked at herself in the mirror. She always knew that she was pretty. It's the first thing people said about her. People loved her fiery red hair and her deep blue eyes. In fact, Tormund, Jon's friend, said she was kissed by fire. Which she liked. It made her sound strong and battle tested. It bolstered her confidence in way most compliments didn't.

Sansa sighed and left the bathroom. She went to the kitchen, where Gendry, Arya, and Sam were making breakfast. Well Gendry was making breakfast. Arya was sitting on the counter watching Sam attempt to help Gendry, who was becoming increasingly more annoyed. Sam was a chubby, kind guy, who Jon took under his wing during his years at Uni. Sam was mercilessly teased despite being one of the nicest people Sansa knew. Sam with Jon's help had learned to be more confident in himself. Sam had even gotten himself a girlfriend, Gilly. That made Sansa's heart happy because Sam deserved someone who loved him completely.

Sansa joined Arya on the counter and watched the two boys. Gendry was sighing loudly at Sam, who would immediately apologize. Sansa and Arya would snicker at the two.

"You know, you two could help me?" Gendry glared at the two of them.

Arya kept her gaze steady and smirked at her boyfriend. Gendry rolled his eyes.

"Sansa has had a rough night, and I was supporting her. So you will cook for us you twittering housewives!" She announced with a pompous tone.

Gendry stared daggers at Arya and suddenly came at her. He grabbed her around her waist, taking off the counter, and holding her in his arms. Arya breathlessly laughed and held his gaze.

"Housewife, eh? Snow! Wake your ass up and make sure Tarly doesn't burn anything! I got to do something!" Gendry yelled.

"Do something?" Arya smiled.

"Yeah, you baby." Gendry said as he carried Arya to their bedroom.

Arya trying to wiggle from his grip and giggling the whole way. Sansa felt a pang of jealousy. No one had ever looked at her that way or carried her away. She realized now that she probably hadn't ever felt romantically loved in her entire life. She had let Joffery take that opportunity away from her because she was a stupid, vapid child when they'd met as freshman at university. She'd gotten caught up in the mystique of being with the richest and most popular boy at school. She was the woman on his arm. She was the trophy. That had felt good at first, to be admired and envied. Then the other shoe dropped no one thought that the trophy should talk or have opinions. She was just to look at. A shudder ran through her as she remembered a night when Joffery came home drunk and angry. She'd told him to leave and he'd hit her in the stomach. "I'll leave your face. I like you pretty." He'd said.

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