Chapter 14: Sansa

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Oberyn's eyes darkened and his smile became wicked. It made the fire in her belly go up a couple degrees. He lent her his arm and she took it.

"Night, ladies." He called to her sisters.

"Night." They both sang.

He pulled Sansa from the room and closed the door behind her. He led her down the hall to the elevators. They entered. Sansa could feel his eyes on her. She was trying very hard not to blush or just jump his bones right now. Sansa never had been a very sexual person, but Oberyn elicited a primal reaction from her.

"You look incredible." He whispered softly in her ear.

"You, too." She said trying to stop herself from shivering from his breath in her ear.

The doors opened and more people got in. There were two girls and a guy. One of the girls looked at Sansa and sneered after giving Oberyn the once over. The girl was clearly not Dornish. She had light skin, big boobs that threatened to spill from her dress, she had muddy brown hair, and green eyes. She was pretty. Sansa supposed. The girl moved in front of Oberyn looking up at him.

"Hey baby? Got big plans?" She asked skidding a hand up his chest.

Something inside Sansa reared it's ugly head. It was angry and feral. Sansa kept her features schooled. She wanted to growl at the woman to back the fuck off. She couldn't though. It wasn't like Oberyn was her boyfriend. Besides, Oberyn was known for his many lovers. She had sinking feeling. What if he invited her along? What if he wanted them both? Sansa wasn't exactly thrilled with this idea. Especially with this bitch.

"Yes. I do have plans." Oberyn purred he dropped her arm.

Sansa felt a pang in her chest. That was soon squashed when arm snaked around her waist pulling her closer to him. She put one arm around his back and slid her hand up his torso. She felt him tense under her hand. She smirked at that. The girl didn't seem perturbed by this at all. She seemed to take it as a challenge. Wow. Bitch is desperate. Of course same could be said about her.

The girl laughed cruelly. She obviously didn't find Sansa impressive. Sansa stared at her unfazed. Her eyes ice. She didn't remove herself from Oberyn. He was probably used to this kind of attention. He may even like it. Sansa had to get it together because he wasn't hers. She can't be jealous.

"Well when prude Barbie over here bores you. Let me know," she said slipping a card from her clutch and putting in his back pocket.

Her hand stayed there for far too long. Sansa had to fight every urge to cut a bitch. Oberyn grabbed the girl's arm and set her back a pace.

"Thanks, but I don't like my women catty." Oberyn said smiling, but it was a smile Sansa had never seen.

It was cold, and lifeless. Thankfully the doors came open. The girl was staring at them mouth agape. Sansa kept her features blank and impassive. On the inside however she was smiling like the cat who ate the canary. He pulled her through the lobby. The came to the front entrance, where Daemon was. He smiled brightly at them. He was leaning on a cherry red Lamborghini.

"Wow." Sansa said whistling.

"You like?" Oberyn asked.

"Yes. It's an Aventador, right?" Sansa asked leaving his side to get a closer look.

Daemon made a noise of approval. Oberyn chuckled. She turned to look at him and quirked an eyebrow in question.

"Sorry, love. I didn't peg you for a car girl." He said his eyes glittering with mirth.

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