Chapter 19: Sansa

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Sansa stood frozen in fear at the sight of Joffery before her. There was a new emotion as well, rage. It was like flames licking over her body. Threatening to set the entire beach on fire. It hit Joffery full force because his smug little face faltered. Who's the bitch now?

"Sansa. Sansa. Sansa. You are going to apologize to me for leaving me. Then you are going to make it up to me with that mouth, that cunt and that ass of yours. We will let this all be in the past. Maybe I will forgo the condom and put baby lion in your belly. Wouldn't that be nice?" He said his malice returned to his face.

A roar filled Sansa's ears and her body shook from fury. It burst forth from her like dragon fire.

"Apologize?! You want me to apologize?! I don't fucking think so! I am never going near your tiny, barely there dick ever again. You have nothing to keep me bound to you. I would rather throw myself into the sea than bear your child. I will not apologize for leaving you. You raped, beat, kicked, and fucked my head up to the point that I couldn't see the point of trying anymore. Leaving you was the best decision I have ever made. I will never be yours." Sansa screamed.

"I gave you what you deserved!" Joffery shot back, eyes cold and darkened.

"I deserved to beaten when I didn't agree! Oh I must have deserved to be raped that first time, right!? You remember when forcibly took my virginity and told me that was normal! I was 17. I was an idiot who believed you. I suppose you also mean the time that you wanted a three some I wouldn't agree to it and you kicked the shit out of me. Or how about the time I didn't want to give you oral sex but you shoved it in anyway. I had to go to the clinic and be checked out. You nearly dislocated my jaw. Right? Would you like me to continue? Do you have any more times to add?" Sansa raged.

"You little bitch." He said as he lunged at Sansa.

Joffery was in for a surprise because Obara had been teaching her how to throw a punch better. She planted her feet and brought arm back to meet his face. In a flash of darkness, Joffery hit the ground. He was tackled by a small figure. It took Sansa's brain a minute to process it. It was Arya with a knife to Joffery's throat.

"If you ever touch my sister again, I will cut off your cock and feed it to you. Am I clear?" Arya growled.

"Get off me you fucking cunt! I gave that bitch what she wanted. She wanted it rough! She wanted to be..." He was wincing as the blade dug in, a small trail of red went down his neck.

"You get that, Bara!" Arya called.

"I got it, little wolf." Obara said holding a recording device and stepping from the shadows.

"What the fuck?" Joffery said trying to squirm away from Arya.

"You just got yourself fucked, limp dick. What you just did here is what we in the law game call an admission of guilt. You see, prick, we are in Dorne. Dorne is a progressive country, and they take rape very seriously. The act doesn't have to be committed here to count as rape. The admission occurred in Dorne. So by your own admission you are a rapist. Since Sansa's account is now recorded, she doesn't have to testify in court. That's not to mention the pleasure house workers you visited tonight. They all have some very interesting stories to tell. Before you say your mommy will hear about this, know this, grandpa Tywin found out first. I wander what the great lion will do to the moron who tainted the great Lannister name? Leave him to rot in a Dornish prison, I'll bet! Take him." She said getting off of him.

His face was full of fear and venom. He was immediately seized by Daemon and another security person. He was dragged away kicking and screaming. Arya was sneering after him. Sansa crashed into her sister. She hugged her so hard and Arya wrapped her arms around Sansa. Obara cleared her throat and nodded. She started to walk away.

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