Chapter 18: Oberyn

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Oberyn was in haze of longing, hurt, and fury. He longed to be with Sansa. He hurt because she didn't trust him to be there for her. He was furious at the Baratheon prick.

Sansa and her sisters spent their days with his daughters. At first it was the twins, the twins loved Sansa. She seemed to enjoy their company as well. She'd spent an entire afternoon braiding their hair and talking about teenage girl things. The sight both lifted and crushed his heart.

He'd texted Obara to return.

He called in the rest of his daughters

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He called in the rest of his daughters. He need them to help protect Sansa. He had them all learn martial arts as children and they'd continued into adult life. The family didn't want another Elia, who never learned self defense and died. So they each could fight and well. He took great pride in his girls in all they did. They did not disappoint their father. They had all arrived by the next morning. Each Martell took a turn with the Starks, except Oberyn.

He was giving Sansa her space to think. It was torture. He would come to dinner with his family knowing she'd be there and that it would be difficult to be near her. He did it anyway. He watched her smile and laugh with her sisters and his family. He watched them teach her new things. On the rare occasions, that their eyes would meet he would smile and so would she. It ripped him apart from the inside.

The second night of their stay. Doran came to him at dinner. Sansa and the other Starks hadn't arrived.

"They aren't coming Oberyn." Doran said his eyes carefully watching his brother.

"Oh." He said shrugging.

"They ordered a pizza and are having a 'girls night', I believe is what they called it. I have a task for you. You aren't going to like it." Doran said his face full of dread.

"What would you have of me, brother?" Oberyn replied leaning back into the chair in which he sat.

"The Baratheon boy has asked that you attended to him. He wants 'your' version of a tour." Doran said digusted.

"Have Trystane do it." Oberyn said his muscles tensing.

"I offered." Trystane said darkly, "He said I'm no Viper. He wanted a man who knew where the good pussy was."

Oberyn seethed in rage. He tried to quell the anger, but he couldn't. He stood up knocking the chair to the floor. He paced the room in his rage and turned on his brother.

"Doran! Why have we not kicked him out of our resort? Why is he still allowed to request things from us? Do you know what he said to Arianne? What he said of Dornish women?" Oberyn questioned furiously.

"Oberyn we can't afford to have Tywin Lannister against us. We do well, but the Lions will come for us if the golden boy is upset. I have nothing to give Tywin in order to turn him from Joffery." Doran said his demeanor calm, but bloodlust in his eyes.

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