Chapter 7: Sansa

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He had her pinned under his gaze. His dark eyes burrowing into hers. He was trying to elicit a reaction from her, but what.

He was so close. The deep v neck was giving her a straight look at his well muscled body. His smirk was enticing. Focus Stark... Get it your shit together...

"How very nice of you." She heard herself say.

Where did that come from? It's the alcohol. It has to be. He leaned back and examined her. She'd shocked him. She was sure. His lack of reaction was more telling than him having one. She smiled sweetly at him. His eyes darkened to black, but not with anger. It was something else. She hadn't seen before. She'd put The Viper in his place.

"Well that's new." Obara said her gaze from her father to Sansa.

Obara wasn't a pretty girl. She was rather plain. She was strong and sturdy looking. She wasn't someone Sansa would want to cross. She looked like she could snap her in half without a second thought.

"This aught to be interesting..." Arianne said elbowing Obara.

Obara shrugging her off, rolled her eyes.

"Dinner is ready, Mr. Martell." A member of staff said.

"Wonderful." Doran said.

The meal was extravagant. Many dishes Sansa had never even heard of. Lorenza, bless her, warned them of the spicier dishes. Arya in her attempt to not be told what to do tried a spicy pepper dish and choked. It sent a roar of laughter around the table. Sansa was enjoying herself with her sisters and this family. Their japes at each other and love for one another was balm to her hurt soul.

She would catch Oberyn looking at her every so often. He was extremely handsome. He had dark curly hair that had that "I woke up like this" vibe. He had a mustache and a chin strap beard perfectly groomed. He had dark eyes that you could fall into. His lithe body was muscled and firm. He was tall, enough so that even if she was in heels he would still be taller than her. He caught her checking him out. He gave her a wicked grin and wink. Sansa felt her face burn.

She was about 4 or maybe 5 margaritas in when the world got swirly. Arya was thanking Doran for his invite. While she tried to help both Talisa and Sansa out of the house.

"Let me help you." came the silky of Oberyn.

"I got them." Arya said stubbornly. "Shit."

Talisa had fallen and was laughing hysterically. Sansa giggled as well. Then suddenly the ground wasn't under her anymore. There were strong arms holding her she looked up into Oberyn's face.

"Hey put her down!" Arya protested.

"Look small fry. Your sisters are shit faced and you need help believe it or not. I will carry the Ice Queen. You help Talisa. Ok?" Oberyn said whirling to stare Arya down.

"Fine." Arya conceded. "Don't call me small fry!"

"Fine." Oberyn said turning and carrying her to the hotel, leaving Arya behind.

She took this time to examine his face closely. He was nearly 20 years older than her, but the years had been kind. He didn't look that much older than her. His skin was sun kissed and beautiful. He had a great jaw line and hooked nose. His eyelashes were long and dark. He was a beautiful man. She didn't think she'd ever used the word beautiful to describe a man before. Yet, Oberyn Martell was a beautiful man.

"Keep staring at me like that, Ice Queen, and I will think you like me." He said smiling his wicked little smile.

"You have pretty eyes." Sansa said stupidly.

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