Chapter 3: Sansa

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After breakfast Sansa dressed herself in jeans and T-shirt. Sansa had noticed that her bag was packed with some other odd things that didn't quite make sense for a night at her sister's. There were party dresses, bikinis, summery vacation clothes, and sexy lingerie. Why the fuck did she pack all this shit?

"Arya?!" Sansa called.

"Yeah, bitch?" Arya said coming into the bathroom where she was changing.

"What the fuck is up with your packing job?" Sansa asked studying her sister critically.

Arya smirked at her sister. She had a look on her face like she was planning a prank, which hardly ever boded well for Sansa. Sansa was suddenly very wary of her sister.

"Oh, that's because you're coming on my summer vacation with me." Arya announced her smirk ever present.

"Your summer vacation with Gendry to Dorne?" Sansa asked quirking her eyebrow and folding her arms against her chest.

"Well, Gen's not coming. Also Talisa is meeting us there. We are having a girls trip." Arya said leaning against the door frame.

"I thought this was your "fuck-ation". You were going to Dornish orgies, and shit" Sansa asked quizzically.

"Yeah well, you need out of King's Landing. Talisa needs a break from baby making. As for me, Gendry says, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I have the rest of my life for Dornish orgies. My sisters need a break." Arya answered casually.

Sansa flung her arms around her little sister and squeezed her close. Arya tried to free herself from Sansa's embrace.

"Get off me. You're killin me! I can't breathe! You're suffocating me with your sisterly affection!" Arya wailed.

Sansa giggled and released the thrashing Arya. Arya narrowed her eyes at her.

"I love you, Arya." Sansa said smiling at her.

"Yeah, back at you. Besides where better to have a rebound than Dorne?" Arya said mischievously and dancing away from Sansa's punch.

Arya and Sansa spent the rest of the day packing for Arya. They teased each other and made Jon uncomfortable with exploits from Arya and Gendry's sex life. Gendry was turning a brilliant shade of red. Sam went for a walk to escape. Arya cackled as Jon shouted at her to shut her demon mouth! Sansa was laughing so hard that her stomach ached.

She hadn't laughed like this in a long. She had been isolated from her family by Joffery. She didn't visit them as much. She'd lost all her friends in the process because they couldn't watch her be treated the way she was. She didn't blame them. Sansa had lost herself and she wasn't the same person she was before she met Joffery. She would become someone else now that she wasn't with him. That was change she would welcome.

Arya and Sansa went to bed early that night for their flight in the morning. She slept more soundly than she has in a long time. Safe. She was safe.

Sansa's alarm went off and Arya punched her in the arm.

"Time to get up, bitch!" She said rolling from her bed.

Sansa dressed in a sundress and slip on flats. Arya was in a pair of Gendry's shorts and a tee. The boys wished them well on their trip and Arya kissed Gendry goodbye.

"Have fun! Use protection!" Gendry called.

"I packed sunscreen," Sansa said smiling.

Arya and Gendry burst out laughing. Jon tried to hide his smile. Sam turned red and looked away.

"Not that kind of protection, San..." Arya said chuckling.

"Huh? Oh...." Sansa said as comprehension dawned on her and she flushed.

They were in the air before lunch time. They were on their way to Dorne. Sansa had never been there. She knew the food, climate, and people were known for their heat and passion. The Dornish people were known for their hospitality and their finesse as great lovers. Also there wasn't the construct of sexuality in Dorne. If a Dornish person wanted someone it was not because of their gender it was because of their beauty. The idea intrigued Sansa, though Sansa found women beautiful. She wouldn't say she would be sexually attracted to them. Sansa began reading the guide book she bought at the airport. She read about the best places to eat and stay. Arya had booked them three suites at The Sand Snake Resort. It was the best place to stay by far according to her google searches and her guide book. It had the works. There were private beaches, spas, casinos, restaurants, shops, bars, and this place called the Water Gardens which has essentially a nude beach or rather nude pools. It was where people went to relax and unwind with no inhibitions. Sansa definitely wasn't going there. There was a picture of the family that owned the resort in her guide book. They were all handsome and beautiful. They had dark curly hair and deeply tan skin. The older man in the picture was in a wheelchair and next to him another man who had to be older than Sansa but younger than the man in the wheelchair. The man was lithe and handsome. A smirk played on his lips as if he had a secret he was keeping from her. His dark eyes were twinkling with mischief, but also there was something else tinged with it. Sansa though it might even be sadness. Sansa shook her head and read the caption with the picture.

The Sand Snake Resort is owned by the Martell family. CEO Doran Martell and CFO Oberyn Martell took the reigns from their father 10 years ago. The brothers along with their children run the business now.

So his name was Oberyn. He was very handsome. Sansa wondered if he was as well muscled as he looked. She also wondered which of these girls were his daughters. Most of them looked as old as she was.

"You've been staring at that picture for awhile...." Arya whispered in her ear making Sansa jump.

Arya snickered. Sansa elbowed her.

"So?" Sansa asked trying not to blush.

"Who you scoping out? Wheelchair guy? Or that pretty boy at the end over there? Or The Viper?" Arya said her eyes watching Sansa's reaction like a hawk.

Sansa kept her face a mask of unconcern. She looked at her sister blank faced.

"The Viper?" Sansa said evenly.

"Oberyn Martell. I had to do a paper on him for one of business classes. He's ruthless in business. He takes no prisoners or shit. He is also well known for his many, many daughters that come from his many dalliances. He's not confined to one gender though. He partakes of all sexes. There was one woman a few years ago that was his girlfriend she seemed to tame him, but something happened to her. An accident I think... Elliara Sand..." Arya said prattling on.

That's what it was. That was the tinge in this handsome face. It was loss. The loss of a lover would be breathtaking she imagined. She couldn't believe he could actually stand and smile here in this picture. He must either have no heart or be the strongest man in all of Westeros.

The plane landed as the sunset. They got off the plane got a rental car and got to the resort before dinner. Despite the nearness to the sea and the sun dipping into the horizon it was hot and humid. Sansa was sweating and Arya was uncomfortable. That made them both crabby. They made it into the lobby where they were greeted by blessed air conditioning and an excited shout.

"Sansa! Arya!" Came the heavily accented voice of their sister-in-law, Talisa.

She ran at them and hugged them both tightly. She was chattering away about how excited she was and how she'd met someone while she were waiting. Arya and Sansa exchanged a look.

"Well while I was waiting this very nice man asked me who I was waiting for and I said my sister in laws. I told him our names and he was very excited. He said that northern Starks haven't been down here in a long time. Oh there he is!" Talisa said turning and waving at a man in a wheelchair.

"Holy fucking shit...." Arya breathed.

"Yep." Sansa said sure her eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

"What?" Talisa asked suddenly worried.

"He owns the resort..." Arya said mouth agape.

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