Chapter 20: Sansa

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"Arya, calm down. Take a breath. Tell me what is wrong. You said Bran and Theon. Bran was supposed to be with Robb and the others. Theon wasn't supposed to be with them." Sansa said trying to remain calm.

"I don't know San. Talisa got a call from Robb. He told her to come home." Arya said her chest heaving.

"Ok. Give me a minute." Sansa said and she went to her phone.

She looked at it and her heart hit the floor. There several missed calls from her mom, dad, Robb, and Jon.

She called Jon. The phone rang two times before he picked up.

"Sansa?" Jon said his voice rough.

"Jon. I was sleeping and I didn't hear my phone. What's going on?" Sana'a asked her heart racing.

Oberyn was suddenly near her. He sat on his bed and grabbed her free hand and squeezed. He was here. He had her.

"Sansa, we were camping... Then Ramsay Bolton came up to our camp site. He started talking crazy. He was higher than a kite. He was saying things about you, Arya, and Talisa. Horrible things. Bran... he... told him to shut up... It happened so fast Sansa... I have no idea where he was hiding the gun..." Jon said his voice breaking.

Gun. Gun. The word echoed off of the inside of her brain. She fell into Oberyn's lap. He held her kissing her head.

"Sansa... Theon came out of no where... He must have followed Ramsay... He jumped in front of Bran... Ramsay shot... The bullet went through Theon, and lodged itself in Bran's spine... He's in a medicated coma. They are trying to decide whether to remove the bullet. It's not good San. He's never going to walk again." Jon said his voice heavy with grief.

Her little brother. Bran was a little dare devil when his nose wasn't in a book, he would climb the highest trees and he even got on the roof one time. Mom almost killed him. Never again. All that was gone for him. He'd wanted to join the military and become a hero, like her Uncle Benjen. Gone. In a single moment ripped away. Then her mind went to Theon. She gulped a breath. She was crying. Oberyn was rubbing her back and kissing her shoulder. She was grateful he was there.

"What about Theon?" Sansa asked her heart breaking.

"San... Theon... He's gone..." Jon said she could hear his sob.

Sansa let out her own sob. Poor Theon. He was adopted but he'd never been treated that way. He was loved like any of the other Stark children. Memories of summers swimming at the beach, fishing, running around their home in Wintertown, and him smiling. His swagger and charm that made the girls of Wintertown lose their minds. She choked out a sob. Oberyn has holding her close. His arms keeping her from breaking into a million pieces.

"We will be there as soon as we can, Jon. We are coming. I have to tell Arya and Talisa." Sansa said trying to breathe again.

"Ok, San... I'll tell the others..." Jon rasped.

"Love you, Jon." Sansa said.

"Love you too." Jon said.

The line went dead. She sobbed and sobbed into Oberyn. He held her and told he had her. He was here. He wouldn't let go. He was rocking her.

"Sansa?" Arya said her eyes knowing that it was bad.

"Arya. Bran and Theon were shot. Bran had a bullet lodged in his spine. They say he won't be able to walk again. Theon... he... Arya... He's..." Sansa tried to form the words.

"He's gone?" Arya said slumping in the door way.

Sansa nodded she left Oberyn. He let her. She went and held her sister. Arya's sobs mixed with her own. They stayed that way for gods know how long. Talisa came through the door.

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