Chapter 12: Oberyn

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Oberyn waited for Daemon to leave. He looked at Sansa. Her hard eyes were boring a whole into him. He raised a hand slowly to cup her face. She allowed the touch.

"I'm sorry if I scared you." He said quietly.

"Oberyn... you said a name..." Sansa said not looking hurt but concerned.

"Ellaria?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes." She said taking his hand in hers.

He sighed heavily and kissed her hand. She rubbed little circles on the back of his hand.

"She was someone special to you?" Sansa asked cautiously.

"Yes. She was my love. She was fire and passion. She was loving and caring. She was a wonderful mother. She was the mother of my four youngest daughters, Elia, Obella, Dorea, and Lorenza. Then... there was an accident... a drunk driver... hit her head on. She died in instantly. Lorenza was so little. She doesn't even really remember her. She looks like her." Oberyn said his eyes never leaving hers.

"Oh, Oberyn. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine. Your poor daughters... I don't know what I would do without my mom." Sansa said putting a hand on his face.

He leaned into the contact. He was stilled by her touch. He felt almost ok.

"Were you having a nightmare about losing her?" She asked rubbing a thumb on his cheek.

"Not exactly. I have this ability." Oberyn said taking her hand from his face and keeping it in his hands.

"Ability?" Sansa asked.

"Sometimes when I sleep... I can go places... I can travel to another plane..." Oberyn said trying to gauge her reaction.

"There are people in the North who have Greensight. They seem to travel to far away places and know things they shouldn't be able to. My brother does it sometimes." She said completely nonplussed about what he said.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that reaction." Oberyn said looking at her.

He really looked at her. She was beautiful, yes. She was so much more. He could see that she was strong and intelligent. He saw her kindness in her eyes. She was compassionate and unselfish. She was weaseling her way into his soul.

The door banged open and Daemon came in with a tray of food. They both jumped. He put it on the little desk next to his bed. Then he went right back out.

"So who is he?" Sansa asked slipping out of the bed and gathering her clothes.

"Here." Oberyn said throwing one of his tees at her, "That's Daemon. He's a family friend."

Sansa slipped his shirt on him and went to the food. If that wasn't a sight. He must made an involuntary noise. She turned and looked at him. She smirked at him. He rose from his bed and went to her. He kissed her soundly, making her moan. He pulled away and smirked.

They sat and ate breakfast together. They made simple conversations about their lives, families, and work. Sansa was a good listener and she was great conversationalist. Oberyn liked her laugh, and her expressive eyes. She was steady and firm. She seemed to anchor him in this moment.

"So, you want to tell me what made you text me this morning?" Oberyn asked her.

Sansa froze. She blushed furiously. She didn't meet his eyes.

"Promise you want be mad?" Sansa said looking down in shame.

"Sansa... I won't be mad." Oberyn said putting a finger under her chin and made her look at him.

"I was scrolling through social media. I saw something... It made me angry and hurt... I just wanted to forget and I wanted to feel like I was wanted. That I was worth it to someone." She said her eyes filling with pain.

Oberyn took her face in his hands. He knelt before her. He kissed her soft and gentle. He couldn't believe that this woman didn't see how incredible she was. It twisted his heart and made him want to lay waste to anyone who'd wronged her.

"Sansa, you are beautiful. You are kind and you are intelligent. If you ever want a reminder of that I will gladly do that for you. If you want to just want me to pleasure you I will do that for you. Whatever you want. It's yours." He said pressing his forehead to hers.

"Oberyn... I..." Sansa said putting her hands in his hair.

"Hey everybody decent!" Daemon called as he came in anyway.

They broke apart. Daemon did have a hand over his eyes. He had a phone that wasn't his in his hand.

"Oh my phone!" Sansa said going and retrieving it from his hand.

"It won't stop dinging." Daemon said turning and leaving again.

She flitted back to the chair. She looked at her phone.

"Fuck!" She said going to gather her things.

"What's wrong?" He said standing.

"Arya woke up and I wasn't there. She called like a million times. She apparently called your brother, who was calling you. Daemon apparently filled her in. She's still pissed. I got to go apologize. She's the whole reason I am here." Sansa said slipping on her shorts and shoes.

She somehow, by dark magic Oberyn assumed, put her bra on while not taking off his shirt. He realized she was going to take his shirt with her.

"Alright. I'm sorry. You going to keep my shirt?" Oberyn asked trying to suppress a grin.

"Yes. I am." She said coming to him and kissing him, "See you tonight for dinner."

"See you for dinner." He said watching her leave.

Daemon peaked into the room. He smiled sardonically at Oberyn. Oberyn sighed and rolled his eyes.

"She seems nice." Daemon said sweetly

"Fuck off, you prick!" Oberyn said throwing a piece of toast at him.

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