Chapter 4: Sansa

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The man, who was handsome, wheeled this way, flanked by a beautiful young woman and an equally beautiful man. Sansa recognized the young man.

"Trystane?" Sansa asked.

The young man smiled and nodded.

"Hello, Sansa." Trystane said smiling fondly.

"What the ????" Arya started, but Sansa seized her arm and shook her head.

Trystane smiled at Arya. The young woman and older man looked as stunned by the exchange as Arya and Talisa.

"Father and Sister this is Sansa Stark. She was with Joffery while I was with Marcella. But if the rumors are to be believed you are with him no longer?" Trystane said pity flashing across his face as he looked at Sansa.

Trystane has witnessed one Joffery's fits of rage against her. He had stopped him. That's when he was kicked out of the Lannister's home and Joffery's wrath afterward was terrible. Marcella was forced to break up with him.

"Yes, the rumors are true." Sansa said trying not to look ashamed of how long she'd stayed after that incident, 2 years.

"Good. No one deserves to a lion's prey. Especially not a she-wolf." Trystane smiled warmly at her.

"Welcome to The Sand Snake Resort! It is lovely to have the young Stark women here. I'm Doran Martell. If you need anything let me or Trystane know." Doran said his smile friendly.

"Thank you, Mr. Martell. I'm Sansa Stark and this is my younger sister Arya Stark. You've already met my sister-in-law Talisa." Sansa said extending a hand and shaking his.

"A pleasure, Ms Stark. Your lovely sister-in-law is quite entertaining. She was informing us that this is you ladies' first trip to Dorne. I hope you enjoy your stay here. This is my daughter Arianne. She will show you to your rooms. Then if you ladies are settled I would invite you to our private dining hall for dinner with us." Doran asked smiling at each woman in turn.

"We wouldn't want to impose." Sansa said politely.

"Abso-fucking-lutely" Arya said excitedly.

Sansa glared at her sister. Talisa, Arianne, and Trystane laughed. Doran smiled at Arya. Arya looked unabashed by the entire exchange.

"I see you didn't exaggerate the fiery nature of your sister, Sansa." Trystane said eyeing Arya.

His eyes flicked down Arya's tiny frame. Arya caught him and glared. He smiled at her, heat in his eyes. Arya's glare faltered. Holy shit... This guy made Arya Stark falter....

"We will join you for dinner, Mr. Martell." Sansa said smiling at Doran.

"Doran, please, Ms Stark." He said smiling.

"Alright, Doran. If you call me Sansa," she said sweetly.

"As you wish, Sansa." He inclined his head to his daughter.

"Follow me, please." Arianne said leading them to the elevator. A bellhop gathered their bags. They were on the top floor of the hotel part of the resort. Arianne led them to their suites. Arya took the first one.

"See you bitches at dinner!" She said slamming the door.

"Did you catch her face earlier?" Talisa asked quietly.

"Yep." Sansa said giggling.

"I imagine your sister doesn't meet a lot of men who can hold their own with her." Arianne said smiling knowingly.

"No, she doesn't. Her boyfriend submits to her most of the time." Sansa said off handedly.

"Oh, well if she wants Trystane, she will not find him very 'submissive'. " Arianne said chuckling.

Talisa and Sansa exchanged looks. Arianne giggled and waved her hand as if brushing their confusion away.

"I forget you northerners tend to favor monogamy." Arianne said as they reached the next suite.

There wasn't any judgement in her tone. She was simply stating a fact.

"You take it Tali," Sansa said patting her back.

"Ok, see you at dinner." Talisa said disappearing from view.

Sansa and Arianne walked in silence for a long while. They reached the door of the final suite. Sansa thanked Arianne.

"Ms. Stark... if you need anything. Anything at all do not hesitate to ask." Arianne said slowly moving her gaze over Sansa's body hungrily.

"Thank you. I will." Sansa said smiling at her and backing into the room.

She shut the door and leaned against it. She'd been hit on by a woman. That's a first. Sansa was flustered by everything that had happened thus far. Meeting the Martell's, seeing Trystane again, being invited to dinner it was all little overwhelming.

She went and showered. She did her hair in half updo, curling the part of her hair that was left down. She did her make up. She put on a cocktail dress that was modest, but still complimented her form. It was dark blue that brought out her Tully blue eyes. She left her room to find her sisters.

Here we go. She thought to herself.

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