Chapter 23: Sansa

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"Business proposal?" Sansa asked bewildered.

Oberyn smirked and took her hand. They went back into the hall. He took her to the table where, Doran, Nym, Tyene, and her parents sat. Oberyn pulled out a chair for her. She sat and he sat next to her. He relaxed into his chair an arm around the back of hers, and fingers brushing her shoulder.

"Sansa," Doran smiled, "I have a business proposal for you. You see, the resort is losing a valuable member of staff, Tyene. She has interests that won't allow her to stay in Dorne."

Sansa looked at Tyene. She smiled and shrugged.

"I got a generous job offer to assist a very wealthy woman in Meereen." Tyene said simply.

"I would like to offer it to you." Doran said to Sansa.

"Me? What kind of job is it?" Sansa asked stunned.

"Its event planning. You would handle any event booked at the resort." Doran explained.

"I don't have any experience with that. I don't know if I'd be any good." Sansa said.

"My love, look around you," he said and Sansa did, "All this was you."

"I just made a few calls..." Sansa began.

"That's the majority of the job, Sansa." Tyene said smiling.

"What about my job I have now?" She said looking at her dad.

He smiled at her. It was a sad, but steady smile.

"Sansa, do you even like working for me?" He asked.

"Yeah." She said.

"Really? You like being doubted at every turn? You like men treating you like your brother's secretary?" He asked her.

"Well... Of course not..." Sansa said looking at her lap.

"Sansa, Stark INC survived before you were there. It will survive after. If you want this job don't let that be a reason to keep you from it." He said reaching over and taking her hand.

"Well I don't know if I want the job. I have seen an actual offer." She smirked.

Ned barked a laugh. She'd felt Oberyn tense at her words, and release the tension.

"Sansa, here's our formal offer. Your father gallantly fought me tooth and nail on most of it." Doran said handing her a paper.

The offer was generous. It came with higher pay, better health insurance, more vacation, and accommodations. The accommodations would be on site.

"The on site accommodations?" Sansa asked Doran.

"We have many houses within the compound as you know. You may have your pick." Doran said simply.

She went over the contract pretty throughly. It was one of the best ones she'd ever seen. This was it. This was another leap. Does she take this job and be with Oberyn? Does she reject it and stay here and hope that everything will be ok? Did she want to stay? No. This would always be her childhood home, but she didn't think she could stay forever. She looked at her mother. Her mother's eyes were soft and knowing. Her mother nodded. It was as if she way saying take the leap. She took a deep breath. She could feel Oberyn's tension again.

"What about inter-office romances?" She smirked at Doran.

Doran chuckled. Oberyn's tension again released. His daughters laughed.

"I don't think yours will be a problem. Besides, as long as it doesn't effect the work. Dorne is very romantic place." Doran smiled.

"Would you take the time to train me?" Sansa asked Tyene.

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