A Day at the Beach

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Many strange legends are told of Wiggletown. But none so strange as the story of when the Wiggles battled with the forces of Evil.

It all began when the Wiggles were hanging out with their new best friends the Beatles and their good friends Calvin O'Keeffe, Meg and Charles Wallace Murry, and Sam Pan.

The friends were at the seashore. 

The Beatles were playing some music to break the silence.

Calvin and Anthony were eating some fruit salad. Yummy yummy.

Jeff was fast asleep while Sam and Charles Wallace were playing in the waves.

Greg and Meg were hanging together staring at the sunset.

And, finally, Murray was playing his guitar. He couldn't take his eyes off how pretty Sam looked in her green swimsuit.

Murray and Sam were both thinking about how much they've changed since the Beatles' Australian tour.

Murray: There's something sweet 

                   and almost kind

                   but she was mean and she was course

                   and unrefined

                   And now she's dear and so unsure

Sam: I wonder why I didn't see this there before

Murray: She glanced that way. 

                   I thought I saw

                   And when we touched, she didn't scream like I had claws

                  No, it can't be. Should I ignore?

                 But still, she's never looked at me that way before

                  New and a bit alarming

                   Who'd have ever thought that this could be?

Sam: True that he's no Prince Charming

            But there's something in him that I simply didn't see

           Well, who'd have thought? Well, who'd have known?

            And who'd have guessed he'd warm up to me on his own?

          It's so peculiar. I'll wait and see

          A few days more

          There may be something there that wasn't there before

As soon as Sam and Charles Wallace got out of the ocean, Murray took out his guitar and rushed to Sam.

"Sam. Could you possibly run in slow motion for me? By the water?" Murray said.

"Are you gonna film me?" Sam said.

"Of course not."

"Are you sure?" said Calvin.

"I promise" said Murray.

"Okay" Sam said.

Sam then went by the water to run in slow motion.

"Murray must really love my friend Sam" said Meg.

"He does." Greg said.

Meg approached Murray and said "Murray?"

"Yes, Meg?" Murray responded.

"I'm just curious. What did you do that made Sam so mad at you?" Meg asked.

Murray bent down to Meg's level.

"What you have to understand about that is that Sam thought I was immature for an adult. She needed to learn that even adults have their moments. So when I stained my red shirt and got a bit nervous, she considered that immature" Murray explained.

"But Sam hasn't considered anything like that immature since she met me and Calvin and Charles Wallace" said Meg.

"Then I suppose some time away from the Wiggles helped her learn that lesson" said Murray.

"I guess. I caught her warming up to you once or twice" said Meg.

"Kids. You gotta hear what they're saying on the radio" said John.

The kids listened to the radio news.

"Attention all listeners. Attention all listeners. The Forces of Evil have sprung into action once again. Be on the lookout. Their magic is truly gruesome. That is all. Breckenridge" said the radio announcer.

"Boy. I sure hope the Forces of Evil aren't mad at us" said Charles Wallace.

"Me too. I'd hate it if the apocalypse was our fault" said Calvin taking another bite of his apple.

Things are already getting good!

I hope the evil doesn't go anywhere near Wiggletown.

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


Battle of WiggletownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora