French Gem Hunt

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In France, Meg and Greg were headed to where Cinderella once lived.

"Okay. How are we gonna find Lady Tremaine's gem without her catching us?" said Meg.

"We'll just have to sneak around until we find it" said Greg.

 The two flew in through the window and made their way to Lady Tremaine's bedroom door.

"All clear" Meg whispered.

They entered and found the gem in Lady Tremaine's jewelry box.

They were then interrupted by a red-haired girl in a purple gown.

It was Anastasia, Lady Tremaine's daughter.

"Don't turn us in, Miss. We're just trying to save our friends" said Meg.

"I won't. I wouldn't do anything for my mother after my stepsister saved me" said Anastasia.

"Thank you so much." said Greg.

"No problem whatsoever. Now. I've sneaked my mother's cane so you can destroy her gem" said Anastasia.

As Meg raised the cane over the gem, Lady Tremaine walked in the door.

"Anastasia! How dare you defy me?! You are helping these two twits destroy my gem and ruin me!" she scolded.

"Oh! Look at this! It's a disaster!" said Drizella.

Drizella looked at Meg and said "What's wrong with your eyes? And your hair? And your shape? You'll never catch a prince like that".

"I already have. And I'm trying to save him from your mother" said Meg.

Meg smashed the gem with the cane.

"No! No! I can't control it!" said Lady Tremaine as her power faded.

Looks like Meg showed Lady Tremaine who's boss!

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