To the Pride Lands!

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Calvin and Anthony were in the African Savanah.

"Wa-hoo, Calvin. How are we gonna defeat Scar?" said Anthony.

"I dunno, Anthony. I've never worked against a lion before" said Calvin.

"Well, I'm sure you'll think of something. You're very clever" said Anthony.

"Well, thank you, Anthony. But we will need to be extra careful. This'll take brains. Not brawn" said Calvin.

"That's true. And I'm loaded with both" said Anthony.

Calvin gave Anthony a slap on the shoulder and said "Anthony, focus, will ya? Do you wanna find the Beatles or not?"

"I do, Calvin! I do wanna find the Beatles. I'll focus" said Anthony.

"thank you. Now. All we gotta do is find Scar's powerful gem like that monkey Rafiki told us to do and destroy it" said Calvin.

"I wish he told us where the gem was" said Anthony.

"Me too. But if I had to guess, the gem would be where Scar lived. So I guess we find out where Scar lives and look for the gem there" said Calvin.

"Hmm. Rafiki said that Scar lives in Pride Rock" said Anthony.

"Well, what do you know? We're right in front of Pride Rock. Let's go" said Calvin.

The two friends entered Pride Rock which looked totally disheveled and dry.

"Ew! That is a lot of bones" said Calvin.

"Yeah... It's not gonna be hard to find the gem in Pride Rock now" said Anthony.

"Now that you mention it... we still need to figure out how to destroy that thing" said Calvin.

"Well, maybe we could smash it with one of those bones" said Anthony.

Calvin snapped his fingers. "Great idea Anthony" he said.

They found Scar's blue gem hidden in the cave walls. 

"Great. Now let's crush this bad boy" said Calvin.

Before they could do anything, Scar faced them.

"You insolent little twits! You found my gem!" he growled.

"Cal... you're more experienced in this. What are we supposed to do?" said Anthony.

"I think we destroy the gem and Scar will be powerless against us" said Calvin.

Anthony stabbed the blue gem with an elephant rib and Scar became powerless.

The Pride Lands hadn't looked better. The weather got better and the land was green again.

Wow. Calvin and Anthony just destroyed another gem. 

But there's still more where that came from.

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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