Under the Sea

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Murray and Sam were under water trying to find Ursula's hideout.

They saw a lot of pink smoke emerging from volcanoes next to a cave.

"I think this is it" said Murray.

"Let's find out" Sam said.

The two entered the cave and saw a familiar face cowering in the corner.

"Oh, George! You're okay!" Sam said.

"Sam! Murray. Thank goodness you're here. You're working together? A little time together during a tour went a long way" said George.

"Yeah. Come on, George. Let's get you outta here" said Murray.

"But, Murray... what about the Sea Witch" Sam said.

"Oh, that's right. She must have a gem around here somewhere" said Murray.

"But, you're right. We gotta get George outta here before we do anything else" Sam said.

Ursula saw Murray and Sam freeing George and was furious.

"Why, how pleasant of you two to just barge in" she said sarcastically. 

"Let our friend go" Sam said.

"Not a chance, child, he's mine now" said Ursula.

"I don't think so" said Murray.

"What do we do now?" Sam said.

"Not to worry, Sammy. I've got an idea" said Murray.

Murray whispered his idea in Sam's ear.

"Not bad. It might work" Sam said with a smile.

As Sam freed George, Murray paraded Ursula just like he would Sam. 

And as he paraded Ursula, Murray found her gem and slipped out before she could catch him.

Ursula was actually flattered by Murray's actions until she found out it was a trick.

"Nice going, Murray. Who knew you could help your friends escape just by parading their captor" said George.

"You know... all that time doing that with Sam finally paid off" said Murray.

"At least something good came out of all that" Sam said.

"Yes. Two things actually. You escaped and I got Ursula's gem" said Murray.

Great! They saved George and found Ursula's gem.

But they still need to destroy it. 

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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