The Curse is Laid

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The villains were in their lair talking about their problems.

"And then they started chanting that I'm a codfish and I was sent away by that terrifying crocodile" said Captain Hook.

"Sounds awful" said Scar.

"Yes, but what's worse is my dealing with that street rat Aladdin!" Jafar growled.

"What is the use in complaining? We are always defeated. Shere Khan has already been defeated by two little boys" said Maleficent.

"I saw it in one of my crystal balls." said the Evil Queen.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I saw it there too. Shere Khan was also after a girl who just so happened to be able to fly" said Scar.

"Oh, I know that girl! She always saves her friends and gets away just in time. She's as bad as her brother, always trying to feed me to that crocodile" said Captain Hook.

"Oh, my goodness. And I've seen that little dude win battles too and he's pretty young. Even Pain and Panic can't get past him" said Hades.

"Yes. And the older boy. He's the worst. Alway so practical and smart. He always knows how to plan things out" said the Shadow Man.

"And that other girl. She's untamed, undisciplined, rebellious, emotional" said the Queen of Hearts.

"Oh yes. And Flotsam and Jetsam have told me that she has a thing for this Beatle. That Paul McCartney fellow. Not that I blame her. He is quite a catch isn't he?" said Ursula.

"Those Beatles. They may be a catch, Ursula, but you're missing the point. Their songs are all about love. What is love when we have all the power we need?" said Lady Tremaine.

"Yeah... and they live in a place called the Cavern. What kind of club are they running in that hole in the ground?" said Hades.

"We must do something about them" said the Evil Queen.

"Maleficent, my darling, couldn't you do something with that marvelous power of yours?" said Jafar.

"I suppose so" said Maleficent.

"Put a curse on the Beatles. One for each of us ladies" said Cruella De Vil.

"Wonderful. We shall hide our colorful gems so that no one will ever find them and defeat us" said the Evil Queen.

"But what if someone does try to defeat us?" said the Queen of Hearts.

"Then I shall ask for help from my friends on the other side" said the Shadow Man.

"Wonderful, Dr Facilier." said Lady Tremaine.

"Now, then, ladies. Choose your Beatle to curse" said Maleficent.

"I choose the handsome John Lennon." said Cruella De Vil.

"That George Harrison. He belongs to me" said Ursula.

"Paul McCartney. He's mine" said the Evil Queen. 

"That leaves me with Ringo Starr" said the Queen of Hearts.

"Wonderful. Now that all the pieces are put together, the curse shall be laid" said Maleficent.

"The Beatles and their team of dimwitted warriors are in Wiggletown Australia now, Maleficent" said Hades.

"Thank you, Hades. Now then, the magic words" said Maleficent.

The magic words were...

A magical force shall be their tomb

Born through the skies on a fog of doom

Now go with a curse and serve me well

'round Wiggletown cast my spell!

And the curse was officially laid over Wiggletown.

Uh-oh! The villains have planned their evil scheme!

And if I remember correctly... yep. They're after the Beatles.

Will the Beatles make it? 

Let's find out in the next chapter, shall we?

Peace and love,


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