Sea Battle!

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As Murray, Sam and George made it to the surface, they saw that Ursula was so furious with them.

So furious that her evil heart grew. And so did she until she towered over the sea.

"You pitiful insignificant fools!" Ursula screamed.

"Sam, get George to shore" said Murray. 

"And leave you in the ocean while Ursula is that big?!" Sam yelled.

"I can't fly" said Murray.

"Not unless we use pixie dust on you" said Sam sprinkling Murray in dust.

The three flew to shore.

"Murray. You still have the gem?" Sam said.

"Yeah" Murray answered showing the gem.

"Now we need to destroy it" Sam said.

"Here. Crush it. With this" said George handing Sam a trident.

"You do it, Sam" said Murray.

"I can't" Sam said.

"Yes you can" Murray encouraged.

Sam lifted the trident and smashed the gem with it.

Ursula weakened and tumbled backwards sending a big wave to the shore.

The big wave crashed on top of Murray, Sam and George leaving them soaked.

In Ursula's cave, all those seaweed that had faces turned back into mermaids.

After everything was fine again, Murray and Sam looked at each other with happiness.

Murray took Sam's hand, then drew her roughly to him and kissed her. Sam actually didn't refuse or pull away. She just kissed Murray right back.

When they pulled away, Murray was surprised at his own action.

"I, uh... I don't know what I was thinking" he said shyly.

"Just go with it, Murray" Sam said with a smile.

Jeff and Charles Wallace ran up to them.

"Murray! Sam!" Jeff yelled.

"You found Harrison!" said Charles Wallace.

"Charles! Jeff" George said hugging Charles Wallace. He just gave Jeff a handshake.

"One Beatle down, three to go" said Murray.

"Let's see if Meg and Greg found another" said Sam.

"Yes. Let's" said George.

"Oh, no, George. You need to hide before another villain gets you" said Sam.

"I think you should head back to the Wigglehouse. We'll find your mates" said Jeff.

George did as told while the others headed towards France.


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