Saving Never Land

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The pirates untied Wendy from the mast and then forced her to walk the plank.

Wendy didn't refuse. She just walked down to the end of the plank. Hook saw the whole thing.

As she jumped off, Murray flew down there and caught Wendy bridal style.

"Odds fish!" Hook shouted.

Murray flew Wendy up behind the sail where she was safe.

"Murray Wiggle?" Wendy gasped.

"Wendy Darling. You're alright now." Murray said.

"I remember you from Wiggletown. How did you..." Wendy began.

"I came with Sam Pan. She's fighting those pirates with her brother. She told me to rescue you. So I went to find you and I saw those pirates attack you." Murray explained.

"Thank you for rescuing me" Wendy cried.

"Oh, you're welcome, dear. Now, what do I tell Sam about defeating Hook? Do you know?" Murray said.

"Yes. I do know. You need to destroy the gem that keeps Hook powerful" said Wendy.

"Okay. Is the gem on the Jolly Roger?" said Murray.


"Where does Hook keep it?"

"In his cabin. He's hidden it in the desk where he keeps his maps. Third drawer to the left" said Wendy.

"Thank you, Wendy. You stay right here and don't let the pirates see you" said Murray.

"Don't stand there you bilge rats! Get the man in red!" Hook yelled.

"Fly, Murray! Fly!" Wendy sobbed.

Murray did as he was told and Hook's crew.

"Don't let him get away" Hook bellowed as he and Peter continued to fight.

Murray dodged his way past Hook's crew.

"I'll crack his bloomin skull" he heard one of the pirates say.

Murray found Hook's cabin and made his way inside.

While Peter was fighting with Hook, Sam stole Hook's sword and she flew away with Peter.

"Blast! It's the boy's meddling sister!" Hook said when he saw Sam's face.

"Come and get me you old codfish!" Sam yelled.

"Sam Pan! You double-crossing pipsqueak! Both of you come back and fight!" Hook screamed.

"Nice going, Sam. Let's hurry" Peter said as he and Sam flew to the door of the galley.

"The door in is too well-guarded. We'll have to get in through the window" Sam said.

The twins flew to the window and saw that Murray had already found the gem.

"Murray!" Sam shouted.

"Sam! Peter! I found the gem! Now we just need to destroy it" said Murray.

"Yeah. You can destroy it from there" Sam said.

"How?" said Murray.

"By stabbing it. Here. Catch this!" said Peter throwing the sword to Murray.

Murray took the sword and smashed it onto the gem, shattering it to bits.

Hook became powerless against the twins and Peter and Sam made a fool of him.

Tick-Tock Croc jumped onto the ship which started to sink thanks to the loss of power.

"Help me please! Pans!!!!!!!!" Hook screamed.

"You know the rules, Hook." said Sam.

"A good captain always goes down with his ship" added Peter.

"I DON'T WANNA BE A GOOD CAPTAIN!!!!!!!" Hook yelled.

And Tick-Tock chased Hook away and Never Land was saved.

"Murray, you did great!" Sam said.

"Thanks Sam." Murray answered.

"Murray Wiggle. I see my sister is no longer angry with you" Peter said.

"We still have our hatred moments, Peter, but she's starting to soften" said Murray.

"That's fair. And you did save Wendy from walking the plank. That took guts. I'll give you credit for saving Never Land too. Even if you had a rough past with my sister" said Peter.

"Thank you so much, Peter" said Murray shaking Peter's hand.

"Okay. There's more where that came from so we better go" Sam said.

"Yeah, you do that. And if you need a hand, you know where I'll be" said Peter.

"Yes. Bye" Sam said.

"Bye, Sam" Peter said giving his sister a hug.

And Sam and Murray flew back to the Mainland.

That was epic wasn't it?

I wonder how the others are doing with the other villains?

Let's see!

Peace and love,


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