A Night in the Wild

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"Mission accomplished, Anthony" said Calvin.

"Yeah. You know, Cal... I'm tired out" said Anthony.

"Me too. We'll continue our quest in the morning" said Calvin.

"So we sleep out here in Africa? The hyenas might eat us" said Anthony.

"Unless they know we just fended off Scar" said Calvin laying down.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Charles Wallace were deciding to get some sleep too.

"I hope the Beatles are okay" said Charles Wallace.

"Me too, Charles. There's more villains to defeat. But for now, good night" said Jeff.

"Good night" said Charles Wallace.

Meg and Greg decided to sleep in the desert.

"Are you sure we should be sleeping out here? The rattlesnakes might bite us" said Meg.

"It'll be fine, Meg. It's nighttime. We do need our sleep" said Greg.

Meg agreed and went to sleep in the sand without worrying about getting sand in her curly hair.

Finally, Murray and Sam were resting by the river.

"I'm pretty tired, Murray." Sam said.

"I am too, Sam. So let's get some rest here" said Murray.

"Outside?" Sam said.

"Sure. You've done that before, right?"

"Yes I have" 

"Then we'll make it" said Murray.

Sam rested her head on Murray's shoulder and smiled at him.

Murray felt his heart pounding when he realized that Sam was falling asleep against his body.

"Really?" Murray whispered with a smile.

"Yeah. You get this until this conflict is resolved" Sam said.

"Whatever works" was Murray's immediate response.

Murray wrapped his arm around Sam's shoulder. Boy, had he missed doing that since Sam broke up with him.

As Sam fell asleep, Murray kissed her head before drifting off himself.

Gee. They're spending a night outside!

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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