Two Problems

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The friends ventured to London and came across two Dalmatians. The two dogs were running at a very fast pace.

"Boy. They sure are in a hurry" said Anthony.

"What are they doing?" Sam said.

"Must be something urgent" said Calvin.

The friends came across a Great Dane on the street.

"Please, Mr Great Dane. Let us pass. We're trying to find the Beatles here in London" Meg begged.

"The Beatles! Yes. John Lennon has been anxious for rescue. Come along" said the Great Dane.

"Do you know where John is?" said Jeff.

"Yes." said the Great Dane.

The Great Dane gave the friends directions.

"And when you reach Withermarsh, look for an bloodhound named Old Towser. He'll direct to a sheepdog called the Colonel. And the Colonel will take you to John at the De Vil place" the Great Dane finished.

"De Vil?" Meg said startled.

"That name sounds an awful lot like "devil"" said Charles Wallace.

"Then we better leave right away" said Murray.

"Thank you" Sam said to the Great Dane.

The friends did what they were told and found the De Vil place which was an old disheveled mansion.

"That place is haunted, it seems" said Calvin.

"Maybe only two of us should go in there and find John" said Meg.

"Sam and I will do it" said Murray.

"Are you sure, Murray? Because we're dealing with a villain whose last name is a fancy version of "devil"" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm positive. I've Peter Pan's sister with me" said Murray.

Murray and Sam cautiously entered the mansion and saw Cruella De Vil screaming at her two sidekicks. They were surrounded by Dalmatian puppies.

"I've got no time to argue! I tell you it's got to be done tonight! Do you understand? Tonight!" she shrieked.

"But he's John Lennon. He's too clever" said Horace.

"Then trick him the hard way! We can't wait! Only myself and Queen Grimhilde are left! I want the job done tonight!" Cruella screamed.

"How are we gonna do it?" said Horace.

"Any way you like. Poison Lennon, drown him, bash him in the head" Cruella said.

"So that's what those villains are trying to do. Get rid of love" Sam said.

"We can't let that happen" said Murray.

"I don't care how you kill the Beatle but DO IT! AND DO IT NOW!" Cruella screamed.

"Murray. This is terrible. We gotta save John and smash this lady's gem" said Sam.

"As soon as she's gone, we'll grab John and those puppies, destroy the gem and get out of here" said Murray.

Cruella ran out and slammed the door.

"I think she means it, Jasper" said Horace.

"Yeah. We'll get on with it as soon as the show's over" said Jasper.

"Now what?" Sam said. 

"You stay here and round the puppies up to escape. I'll go and find John" said Murray.

Sam went towards a few of the puppies. 

She tried to pick one up but he flinched a little bit.

"I won't hurt you, sweetie. But at the very least, let me help you get outta here" Sam said.

"Okay. But you'll need to get the rest of us. There's ninety-nine of us altogether" said the puppy.

Sam was boggled by the fact that there were ninety-nine puppies.

"This lady wants ninety-nine puppies to make a bajillion fur coats?" she said.

"Scary but true. Hurry. But watch out for the bad'ns" said the puppy.

"Bad'ns?" Sam said.

"Those two blokes. Horace and Jasper. They're mean ones they are" said the puppy.

"I've noticed. Don't worry, little guy. I'll be careful" Sam said.

Sam tried to round up the puppies but the two men saw her.

"Hey, Horace! Look what we've got! A flying chick!" Jasper yelled.

As Sam tried to fly away, Jasper and Horace grabbed her by the legs.

"MURRAY!!!!!" Sam yelled

Murray heard Sam's cries and saw that she was in trouble.

"That's my friend, you lunatics!" Murray screamed as he high-kicked Horace and Jasper in the faces.

That made them let go of Sam and she and Murray got away just in time.

"I think we have two problems now" Sam said.

Look at that! Defeating Cruella isn't as easy as it looks!

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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