Help From Dogs

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Murray and Sam flew right out of that mansion.

"What happened in there?" said Greg.

"We tried to save John, but we also had to save a bunch of puppies and then we got caught" said Murray.

"Wait. Puppies? So now we have to save them too" said Anthony.

"How many are there?" said Charles Wallace.

"Ninety-nine. And they're all Dalmatians" Sam said.

"Why on earth would De Vil want ninety-nine puppies?" said Calvin.

"She's gonna make coats out of them" said Murray. "She wouldn't!" Meg gasped.

"Now what are we gonna do?" said Charles Wallace.

"Well, we're not gonna give up" said Jeff.

Suddenly, those two dogs came running and one of them spoke. "Why did you come to the De Vil place? It's so dangerous here" said the female dog.

"We're here to rescue our friend. What are you doing here?" said Meg.

"We're here to save our puppies" said the male dog.

"Those puppies were yours?" Sam said. "Yes, dear" said the male dog.

"Oh, Pongo. What are we going to do?" said the female dog.

"We're going to have to work as a team. We save our puppies and also help these nice people find their friend" said the male dog whose name turned out to be Pongo.

"Thank you so much... Pongo?" Meg said.

"That's right. This is my wife, Perdita" said Pongo.

"You might know the Wiggles" said Meg.

"Yes, we do. Our puppies love your show" said Perdita.

"And you four are..." said Pongo.

"The gal with the glasses is Meg, the babe in green is Sam, the handsome dude is Calvin, and me. I'm Charles Wallace" said Charles Wallace.

"Nice to meet you. Now, come along. We've got no time to lose" said Pongo.

They entered the De Vil place.

"Come on, Horace. Let's get on with it. I'll pop Lennon on the head, you skin the puppies" said Jasper.

"Oh no you don't, Jasper! I'll pop Lennon off and you skin the puppies" said Horace.

"Okay. Murray and I will grab the puppies together this time. Greg and Meg go find John. The rest of you look for the gem" Sam said.

Murray and Sam went for the puppies but the bad'ns saw them again.

"Horace! It's that mangy flying chick! She's the ringleader" said Jasper.

"And she has the red Wiggle with her, Jasper" said Horace.

"Even worse! Hit them off, Horace! Hit them off" said Jasper.

The others ran up the stairs to find John.

"Jeff and Charles, take a swing in there and we'll check these other two rooms" said Greg.

Meg knocked on the door to one of the rooms.

"John! Are you there? It's Meg" she called.

"Meg! Come on in and help me!" John called back.

Greg and Meg opened the door and found John tied to the wall.

"What happened, John?" said Greg.

"That Cruella De Vil is crackers! She tied me up and pinned me to the wall. Get me outta here" said John.

Meg and Greg untied John.

"John! You're alive" squealed Charles Wallace.

"Where are the others?" said John.

"Murray and Sam are saving those ninety-nine puppies and Calvin and Anthony are looking for Cruella's magic gem" said Jeff.

"And we haven't had any luck so far" said Anthony.

"Cal. Anthony." said John.

"John. We're gonna get you outta here if we could just find the gem" said Calvin.

"I can help you find the gem. I know where it is" said John.

"Cool. Show us" said Calvin.

John showed the others where the gem was which was where Cruella kept her smoking stick.

Meanwhile, back downstairs... 

"Now we've got them, Horace. They've run out of room" Jasper snarled.

Suddenly, Pongo and Perdita jumped through the glass and attacked the bad'ns.

Sam grabbed the chair leg from Horace's hand.

"Come on, Murray. We can destroy Cruella's gem with this bad boy" Sam said.

"What is going on in there?!" Cruella screamed.

"Miss! These twerps are working together to destroy us and save Lennon" said Jasper.

"NO!" Cruella screamed as Murray and Sam made their way up the stairs.

"Calvin!" Sam yelled throwing the chair leg to Calvin.

Calvin destroyed the gem with the leg and Cruella, Horace and Jasper all became powerless.

"Pongo and Perdita. You can take your puppies home now" Sam said.

"Thank you Wiggles, children" said Pongo. "Bless you all" said Perdita.

"And, John, you go to the Wigglehouse and hide" said Murray.

"Ringo and George are already there" Meg said.

"You found them? Are they hurt?" said John.

"No, they're fine. Right as rain" Sam said.

And John hurried back to the Wigglehouse.

Three down and one to go.

Let's hope the Evil Queen didn't hurt Paul.

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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