Where Are They?

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"Thank you so much, Meg. How can I ever repay you?" said Anastasia.

"You could tell us where your mother is keeping the Beatles" said Meg.

"Ah, the Beatles. I don't like to say this, but Mother didn't take any of them" said Anastasia.

"Oh. Looks like we still need to keep looking" said Greg.

"But I think I know where they are" said Anastasia.

"You do? Please tell us so we know what to tell our friends" said Meg.

"They've already found George Harrison so you don't need to mention him" added Greg.

"Good to know. Paul McCartney is in Germany. Ringo Starr is in Wonderland and John Lennon is in London" said Anastasia.

"Thank you, Miss" said Greg.

"We better hurry" said Meg.

Meanwhile, Anthony and Calvin were sneaking into the Forbidden Mountain.

They were trying to get in by climbing down through the roof of one of the highest towers.

"Calvin... are you sure about this?" said Anthony.

"No. Let's go" said Calvin.

They climbed down until Calvin started to fall.

Fortunately, he sprinkled pixie dust on himself and Anthony so they could continue their search.

Calvin then noticed a strange light coming from one of the dungeons.

"Anthony" he said.


"I think I found the gem" said Calvin.

Calvin and Anthony moved a little closer and found Maleficent's green gem.

"Wa-hoo, Calvin. Now we just need to destroy it" said Anthony.

"Yeah. Let's do it" said Calvin.

Cool. Greg and Meg know where the Beatles are now!

And Calvin and Anthony are that much closer to defeating Maleficent.

Let's see how they do in the next chapter, shall we?

Peace and love,


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