The Beatles in Captivity

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The Beatles and their friends were trying so hard to hide but the villains' curse was too strong.

John found himself in the De Vil place.

"Welcome, John Lennon. Welcome to my humble mansion." said Cruella De Vil.

"Who are you?" John said.

"I am Cruella De Vil. And you are mine now." said Cruella.

"Oh, by all means, I'd hate to belong to someone of the Forces of Evil. Although I like your fur coat" said John.

"Oh, it's my only true love, good sir. I live for furs. I worship furs" said Cruella.

"That explains the fact that you aren't married" said John.

"Well! Your passion for love isn't good for skinning puppies, young John Lennon" said Cruella.

"Killing puppies? No wonder you're from the Forces of Evil!" said John in shock.

"Yes, darling, I know. I know. And no wonder that crumby old Cavern is your dream castle. And those children are your bold and fearless warriors. And then of course you have your little mop-topped friends. Yes. Yes I must say such perfectly beautiful men" said Cruella.

"Hey! Don't you speak that way about me mates!" said John.

"I have been defeated once and I don't intend to let it happen again. You are mine" said Cruella.

Meanwhile, in Ursula's lair, George was forcefielded into the cave.

"Come in. Come in, young man. We mustn't lurk in doorways. It's rude. One might question your upbringing" said Ursula.

"Ringo has always given me a vision of being in an octopus's garden, but I never imagined being in one like this" said George.

"It's wonderful, yes?" said Ursula.

"No. Would you just tell me who you are and what you want with me?" answered George. 

"Well, angelfish... I am Ursula. And what I want with you has a simple explanation. The only way to rid the world of love is to capture you and your bandmates." said Ursula.

"Rid the world of love? What do the Beatles have to do with it?" said George.

"Well, young George... every song you Beatles write has an element of love. And what is love when magic is more powerful. Love just gives people silly ideas. It makes people think they'll succeed without magic" said Ursula.

"That is NOT what love does. That's just the ramblings of a villain" said George.

"Oh, ye of little logic" said Ursula.

"Would you please just let me out of this?" said George.

"Not a chance, Harrison. You're mine now" said Ursula.

In the Queen of Hearts' courtyard, three cards were painting white roses red.

"Pardon me, ace, two and three of clubs. Why are you painting white roses red?" said Ringo.

"The Queen likes roses red. If she saw white, she'd raise a fuss and we'd lose our heads" explained the three of clubs.

"And since we don't want that to happen..." the two of clubs began.

"We're painting the roses red" all three cards finished in unison.

The Queen of Hearts noticed and said "You've been painting my roses red!"

"Oh no, Your Majesty, please!" the cards pleaded.

"That's enough! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!!!!" the Queen of Hearts bellowed.

She then noticed Ringo and said "Why! It's Ringo Starr. Welcome to my humble palace".

"Thank you. Why do your servants get their heads chopped off as punishment?" said Ringo.

"Because what better punishment for planting white roses when they should be red?" said the Queen of Hearts.

"Oh, dear... I suppose there are rules about meeting the Queen" Ringo said.

"Yes there are. Turn out your toes, bow, and always say "Yes Your Majesty"" said the Queen of Hearts.

"Yes, Your Majesty" said Ringo.

"Very good." said the Queen of Hearts.

"Thank you. Could your majesty possibly tell me why I'm here?" said Ringo.

"You are here because of your passion for love. We villains do not appreciate it." said the Queen of Hearts.

"Yes Your Majesty. But what's the penalty for having a passion for love?" said Ringo.

"Well... you're currently mine. So whilst you're here, young Ringo... if I lose my temper, YOU LOSE YOUR HEAD!" the Queen of Hearts yelled.

Finally, at the Evil Queen's castle, Paul was being held hostage in the room where the Magic Mirror was.

"Paul McCartney. How lovely to see you. So kind of you to visit me in my loneliness" said the Evil Queen.

"What are you gonna do to me? Tell me please" said Paul.

"All in good time, handsome. All in good time" said the Evil Queen.

"Could you at least tell me what's going on here?" said Paul.

"The Forces of Evil are trying to rid the world of love. And the first step to that is to rid the world of you and your fellow Beatles. So you're going to be here a while" said the Evil Queen.

"I wouldn't be so sure. My friends will be here soon" said Paul.

"Those kids will never be able to defeat the villains. We have magical powers" said the Queen.

Well, sir, it looks like the Beatles gooses are cooked.

But wait! There's still the kids and the Wiggles. Maybe they can save them.

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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