Ch 12: I'm Not Done (Bruce)

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As much as Eric had forgiven Gene and just happily moved on with his life, I wasn't even close to being able to let what he had done just slide. Eric tried his best to be his usual cheerful self and help Gene as best he could, but I didn't even really bother to talk to him. In fact, I did my best to avoid him at all costs, something that was pretty hard to do in our small apartment.

"Hey I'm gonna take Baxter out for a walk! Can you feed Iggy?" Eric asked, giving me a grin. I rolled my eyes with a rueful smile. "I told you, that's your pet and your responsibility. I like Baxter. Iggy? Not so much." "Aw, you know you love him! But come on, just put some leaves in his tank!"

"Alright fine. Just because I love you," I muttered, grabbing some leaves from the fridge and walking over to Iggy's tank, popping the lid open and dropping them in. "Eat up, you dumb iguana. I knew it was a mistake to let Eric go to the pet store." Iggy just ate the leaves as iguanas tend to do, and I couldn't help but wish my life was that carefree.

I walked out of our room, scowling as I saw Gene in the living room. His face turned red but I just pointedly ignored him, moving on to make myself some lunch and not bothering to offer him anything.

"Why are you so mad at me?" he asked abruptly.

I turned around slowly, hands balling into fists. "Why am I so mad at you?" I asked slowly, and he nodded, ears already starting to turn red. "Because, Gene, you blew us off, again, all of you did, and it crushed Eric. You know how he is! He gets attached to people, he's such a good friend, but he's always terrified people aren't really his friend! And you guys have just proven that exactly, that you don't actually care about him, and it kills him!"

"Well I mean how was I--" "I don't care if you were supposed to know how he feels, you could've just been a decent human being and stayed in touch! Like a good friend! But you weren't, you were a terrible fucking friend!" "Bruce look I'm sorry I didn't--" "Yeah, you didn't! You didn't do a lot of things! Like answering his fucking wedding invitation!"

"Bruce look it was an honest mistake and I've apologized and it's not even a big deal and I don't see why you're so mad about it!" he protested. My face grew red and I grabbed his shirt, two seconds away from punching him. "Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Losing all of you guys as friends, especially you, crushed him. He's been fucking crying himself to sleep because all he wanted was to have his best friends at his wedding and none of you guys have responded to his invitations! And especially you! You were one of his closest friends in high school, and you just completely ignore him? Again?!" I snarled, shaking him.

His face grew red and he looked at the ground. "I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I didn't think. I never think, I always just fuck everything up. Damn, I'm so sorry." "Don't apologize to me. And don't make this about you. You and Eric need to talk and you need to say sorry to him. And you need to fucking RSVP to his wedding. Either you're going or you're not, don't leave him hanging like this."

Gene nodded, blinking back tears, and my scowl only got darker. "And if you hurt him again, I won't hesitate to beat your ass," I spat. He nodded again, looking even more miserable, and I let go of his shirt. "Don't fucking hurt him," I said before walking off, stepping outside and taking a deep breath. "Dammit," I muttered, running a hand through my hair.

It pissed me off. I didn't want to hate Gene, because he had been a good friend. But seeing how much Eric had been hurt by him was too much. It wasn't just something I could let slide. I was still standing outside trying not to go back inside and punch Gene when Eric got back from his walk. He heaved a sigh, shaking his head.

"Bruce. We need to talk, I see," he said quietly. "I mean...maybe," I muttered. "Yeah, we do. Let me set Baxter loose inside then I'll be back." I nodded, leaning against the railing and waiting. Eric walked out the front door a moment later, leaning on the railing next to me.

"So what's up?" he asked after a pause. I scowled, looking over the railing at the stairwell. "Look, I get you want to be nice and help Gene, but I don't want him here. He made a mistake, a big mistake, and he can face the consequences and solve his own issues," I spat.

He sighed, nodding slowly. "I know. I know you're mad at him. But come on man! Even if you don't like him now, we were friends for a long time! I don't want to just forget all of our history together and leave him out to dry. I mean...don't you feel bad for him?" he asked quietly.

I scowled before shaking my head. "Honestly Eric, I don't feel bad for him. Why would I? He's the one who cheated on his wife, he got kicked out just like he deserved to. Why should I spend time to help him? He needs to go back and talk to Shannon and apologize. If he's lucky, she'll take him back. Not like he deserves that."

"He probably doesn't. But look, it's your apartment too, we split it 50/50. So if you don't want Gene here we'll tell him to leave." I heaved a sigh, shaking my head. "He's got one more day, alright? But after today, I really do want him gone. He needs to talk to his wife."

Eric nodded, giving me a smile. "Thanks Bruce. You're a good friend." I just shrugged.

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