A Little Bit Closer

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Youngji's POV

"Youngji-ya, wake up! Let's have breakfast." Nana woke me up.

Lazily, I opened my eyes and yawned. "What time is it, unnie?"

"8:45 a.m"

"Ah. Thanks for waking me up. Did everyone already seated at the dining table?"

"Everyone is waiting for you, Youngji-ya"

Gulped. I'm doomed.

"Mianhae unnie. Really sorry." I got up and washed my face

"It's okay Youngji-ya. Take your time. I bet you're all exhausted from shopping last night" Nana poked her head at the door

Whatever Nana says, I still feel guilty.


"Morning sleepyhead" Jackson teased.

I glared at him.

"Everyone else went to shopping but I don't know why you're the most exhausted one." Jackson teased me again. But this time I ignored him.

I sit next to Jackson and scoop my stew. "Ya, did you save my number?" Jackson whispered.

"I did," I replied. "By the way, why did you go through my phone. Don't you know the word 'privacy'?"

Before Jackson could reply, Jong Ok unnie interrupted us, "Maknaes, let's go to wet market today"

Jackson and I nod in unity.

"Dongwook and Joon, you guys tag along too"

I look at Dongwook while giggling after last night's tragedy.

"Shopping with those two again? No, noona. I'm waving the white flag."

"I don't care. Kaja"


"Should we buy this salty shrimp? We have so many cabbages at home. We could make kimchi" Jong Ok said to Dongwook.

While they are busy talking, I bravely tried a big salted shrimp. Joon oppa stopped me but I think I can handle the saltiness.

Once the shrimp goes into my mouth, I coughed. Omo, so salty!

Joon oppa laughed at me and called Jackson to taste the shrimp. I feed Jackson the shrimp and he started to cough too. His face is hell funny. I can't stop laughing for 3 minutes.

"We're done! Let's go!" Jong Ok said.

We're walking towards the car. I walk with Jackson at the back while Dongwook, Jong Ok and Joon walk in the front.

I glanced to Jackson. "Jackson's not tall". Let's say I regret myself for saying that.

Jackson looks dumbfounded. "SHE SAYS I'M SHORT" Jackson screamed.

"She attacked me with my inferiority complex. She says I'm short!"

"When did I say that?"

"You did just now! Ya Heo Youngji!"

"Okay kids. Don't fight. Say 'sorry chingu'" Dongwook joined.

"Mianhae Jackson-ah. I don't mean it." I pout.

"I'm sorry I'm wearing insert soles"


"Ya, you guys. We will give you guys a space. Go walk down the alley and make up"

So yeah. We went there.


"Ya, let's make up now"

Jackson doesn't reply.

Tch. "This guy's upset. He's mad at me!" I said to the cameraman.

"I'm not mad, I'm just acknowledging the truth. I'm short, not good in korean, ugly" He pouts

"Aniyaaaa. Your korean is better than me. And I never think you're short"

Jackson walks faster.

"He's still mad at me!" I said to cameraman. "Jackson-ah let's make up!" I pull out my hands, ready to shake his.

"Later" He replied coldly.

I pout and stare at him.

Jackson's POV

I tried to hold back my laughter seeing Youngji like this. She's so cute. I couldn't even look at her when she pouts. Too cute to resist.

"Jackson-ah let's make up" she pouts.

Could she ever just stop pouting.

"Okay give me 5 minutes" Youngji said to me and ran over the nearby convenience store. Why the hell she would go there.

"I'm back."

"What did you buy?"

"My things"


"Ya, Wang Jackson! Let's eat ingulmi rice cake! It's on me!" Youngji said with a smile.


We enter the cafe and bow to the noonas at the cashier. Lol.

"We want an ingulmi rice cake and toast. With porridge to take out"

"It's 3,500 won." The noona replied.

I give my credit card to the noona.

"Ya! Why would you pay 3,500 won with credit card? And I said it's on me"

"I hate being indebted" I replied. "Did you get paid?"

"Ani" she giggles.

"Well I did" I winked. Again she giggles.

"Why are you signing my card by the way?!"

She bursts into laughing.

Youngji carried the tray to a nearby table. We sit down and stare at each other.

"Just now, I, bought these" she shyly smiled. "I don't know what kind of cheese do you like so I bought all the brands"

I couldn't hold myself more and bursts into a big laugh. Heo Youngji jinjja.

"Ya, this is your apology?" I gobbled down the cheese.

She nodded while digging in the rice cake. "Ya eat this! Seriously delish!"

I take out my spoon and digging in. I feed Youngji a cake, a huge one. I smirked a little watching her struggling to eat.

"We eat the rice cake well. We eat the toast too. And the atmosphere is good. Now let's make up" I pull out my hands to shake hers.

She laughs really hard. It's my first time seeing someone so outgoing and laugh carelessly in front of me.

Heo Youngji. She's different.

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