Chapter 11

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It's been a year and some odd months now. I'm almost over Noodle, I'm getting there. But over this past year me and Marie have gotten closer, and closer I mean we're dating. She's really good to me. She didn't really even ask about Noodle the entire time we have. Speaking of which today is out one year anniversary. I'm super excited. I'm taking her out to a new restaurant in town.

I was watering my plants as I felt arms snake around my waist then they kissed the top of my head, "Hi Marie.", I giggled as I was setting the watering can down.

"Are you excited for tonight?" I asked and she nodded.

"You know I can pay for it, right?" She told me.

"Yes, I know. But I want to do it. You've been so good to me so I want to say thank you by doing this." I said as I cupped her cheek.

"Alright." She kissed my palm, "I'll meet you at the restaurant, I have things to do before then. Okay?" She asked.

"Okay, Love you." I said, "Love you more." She chuckled before letting go and leaving.

I finished watering the plants and I put the watering can back. I came out front and no one was in the store. A slow day.... great. I waited at the counter until it was time to close. I smiled and grabbed my stuff and got the store ready so I can leave. I walked out and locked the door and I left to get dressed.

I finished just on time. I was wearing a strapless dark blue dress then went down to just below my knees and some dark blue heels that matched. I had a black hand bag and some jewelry. I stood outside my building waiting for my cab. Once it pulled up I got in and told them where I was going.

About 15 minutes later i made it, 5 minutes late, but I did. I looked around to find Marie and I did. She was waving at me and I smiled as I walked over.

"You look stunning, (Y/N)." She told me as she looked up and down. I giggled as I took her hand into mine.

"So do you miss tuxedo." I chuckled at her.

"Hey, I look nice." She smiled.

"You do." I smiled then looked around and I saw Noodle with another girl. I started to tear up, seeing her again brings up feeling that I didn't want again. I was happy with Marie, she treated well. I could tell Marie saw and got up and walked over to them. She slammed her hands on the table and glared at Noodle, the girl with her looked terrified.

"What the hell are you doing?! I know you can see her, I mean look at her!" Marie exclaimed, clearly pissed. I went to grab her arm to pull her away, I failed of course.

Noodle looked at me and I could tell she just wanted to say sorry. I looked at my feet and went to grab Marie's arm again and she let me. We asked for a table change to the farthest away from Noodle's table. Marie grabbed my hand then kissed the top of it. "I'm sorry." She told me and I nodded. The rest of the night was fine other than I could feel Noodle's eyes on me the entire time.

Once we were done Marie got a call from the vet, it was about her dog, so she had to go. I was standing my the curb waiting for my cab then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Russel, "R-Russel? What are you doing here?", I asked.

"I'm here to pick up noodle and I just saw you standing here so I thought i'd say hi. You know?" He told me with a smile. Me and Russel kept in touch after me and Noodle broke up, he's like a father figure to me. I looked at him then felt tears start to go down my face, next thing I know he pulled me into a hug and I gladly accepted.

"H-Has she actually moved on Russ?" I asked still in the hug.

"No, that girl is one of the many rebounds she has had in the past year. This one was getting unbearable because she wanted an actual date. (Y/N), Noodle never stopped thinking about you." I was in shock, I thought she'd had gotten over me at least a little bit. I mean I have.... I think.

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