Chapter 24

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( trigger warning, cruel word use. )

It's been about two months since Noodle proposed and it has been the best. Me, Nicole, and Lilith went dress shopping. I picked out the most beautiful (f/c) dress. (just imagine a dress bc yes.) I loved it so much but it won't be here until the wedding day which was fine. Then Noodle and I chose the flowers which were sunflowers and white tulips. Very pretty.

I fidgeted with my ring as I looked through a wedding catalog. This wedding thing was stressful since we didn't even know where we were having it. I kinda want it outside but Noodle is worried it'll rain, which I understand. I sighed, sitting back in the chair I was sitting in. Then I saw a very done up Noodle.

"What is going on?", I asked, semi worried. "I let your sister do my makeup and hair. I think it looks nice.", she smiled at me then placed a kiss on my cheek. I blinked at her, Noodle's eye wasn't cover but her hair anymore but back makeup. I smiled then went back to the catalog. She waddled back to the room where both Nicole and Lilith were and I started to worry.

What if we didn't get married on the day we wanted because I couldn't find a place to actually get married in? I shook my head and kept looking, catalog through catalog. Then I found it. It was outdoors and i doors so if we needed to we can get married inside then have the after party outside, if it didn't rain. It was perfect. I picked up the catalog and ran into the room where Noodle, Nicole, and Lilith were in.

"I did it! I found the perfect place!!", I exclaimed at the women. Showing them one by one they all agreed and Noodle got up and hugged me. I hugged her back and squealed. Once Noodle let go I did a small victory dance, "Now all we need to do is send invitations and then we're set!", I smiled dorkily and Noodle giggled. I left the room and ran up to me and Noodle's room, flopping on the bed.

"I did it!" I squealed once again.

(two weeks later, the day of the wedding)

Nicole was helping me get ready at Kong Studios in Noodle's room. I put on my dress and almost cried. To day is the day I am getting married to my soulmate.

Nicole finished up my makeup, "Hey, hey don't cry... you'll ruin my masterpiece.", she said jokingly. I rolled my eyes. "You did the same thing. I remember even though I was only there before the ceremony.", I sighed. She took her hand and made me look at her, "Now it wasn't your fault that you left. It was our parents so don't blame yourself (y/n).", she reassured me. I nodded and hugged my sister.

"Let's go get you married!", she exclaimed and gave me my bouquet. We exited the room and Nicole went to make sure Noodle left. She gave me a nod to tell em it was safe, when I made it down there was Justin and Lilith waiting for me. I smiled and hugged them both, "Thank you all for coming.", I choked up a little. They all reassured me then rushed me to the LIMO they got a limo to escort me.

On our way I watched out the window the whole time just thinking about the life me and Noodle are about to embark on. I sighed happily then we arrived. Nicole and Justin tried their best to hide me and Lilith open the door. Justin went out and made sure everyone was in place.

"Wait?! Who is walking me down the aisle?!", I questioned, starting to get worried."(y/n), Justin is, since he is our brother.", Nicole told me, her hands on my shoulders. I sighed thankfully and waited for Justin to come back. I smiled as he did and Nicole left for her spot.

Me and Justin walked out ot the room we were in then the "Here Come the Bride" started to play. I had my bouquet in one hand and my other on Justin's arm. I looked at my brother and smiled that to Noodle. She was starting to tear up and so did I seeing her in a tux. It wasn't like what men wore, it showed her chest more and she wore heels along with jewelry.

Justin and I made up to the end on the walk and he kissed my cheek and went to his seat. I gave my bouquet to Nicole, who is my maid of honor, and held hands with Noodle. The priest started to talk and both of us started to cry a little.

"Would anyone like to object to this union?", The priest called out the crowd. Then someone stood up, I looked over and it was my mother. My heart sank seeing her here.

"I object. My daughter is not marrying a fag.", she spat. I looked at Noodle then picked up my dress and walked over to my so called mother. She moved to the aisle and stared me down.

"Mother, leave now. I sm marrying her. She is my soulmate and there is nothing you can say that will make me leave her. I love her more than life itself. Now leave before we make you.", I told her, trying to keep my calm. Russel, Justin and Nicole were behind me glaring at my mother.

"Do you really think you can speak to your mother that way?", she questioned and I nodded. "You have been dead to me since you first called the love if my life a faggot mother.", I told her and she turned and left. I sighed and turned. Nicole, Justin, and Russel looked st me with sincere eyes and I nodded and went back up to Noodle. She smiled at me and took my hands back into hers and rubbed circles on them with her thumbs.

The priest finished up, "You may kiss the bride.", he told Noodle and she dipped me and we kissed. It was a deep passionate kiss then we parted and looked out at everyone. We finally did it, we were married. I was married to the love of my life. My soulmate.

Noodz (A Noodle x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now