Chapter 23

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The next morning, which was only five hours of sleep, I woke up with Noodle spooning me as her arms squeezed me gently every now and then. I finally got out of her hold and proceeded downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by a wrapped up box and a note. I stepped closer to see who it was for, me? It's for me but from who?

I shook my head brought upstairs and sat it next to my side of the bed. I closed the door to let Noodle sleep and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal then went to the living to put on some T.V. where I was greeted my Russel reading a the newspaper. I'm surprised that it even comes here.

"How'd you sleep?" Russel asked me as I sat on the couch.

"Fine, woke up in the middle of the night but other than that it was alright." I laughed a little before taking my first bite of my food. He chuckled to himself and kept reading as I grabbed the remote to turn something on, even though I probably wasn't going to pay attention to it. As the TV started to play sound I heard footsteps from behind me. I went to look up instead I was greeted with a kiss on the head and arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Good morning baby." I told Noodle, because I knew it was her.

"Hi-" She mumbled sleepily into my neck before walking away to the kitchen. I giggled at her tiredness and kept eating my cereal. When she came with a bowl of her own she sat right next to me. Once we both finished Noodle took my bowl and put it with the other dirty dishes. When she came back she had wedding magazines in her hand.

"What's that?~" I smiled as she sat back down.

"You need to start looking for wedding dresses and decore for our wedding." She stated bluntly.

"But we haven't even chosen a date for our wedding babe." I heard Russel across the room chuckle. "Why are you chuckling over there, chuckles?" I asked giving him a small death glare.

"It's just that you two are so cute." He scrunched up his nose and came over to us and messed up our hair then left.

"Oh whatever..." I rolled my eyes as Noodle was laughing a little fixing her hair.

"Well I was thinking here in two months....?" Noodle said getting back to the main topic.

"That's um...... what September..... 6th...?" I drawled out the sentence on purpose.

"Yes, that is correct." She smiled then kisses my cheek.

"That's perfect." I told her then got up and sat on her lap. She brought me close to her face and kissed me roughly.

"Noodle, we are on the couch?!" I yelled in a hushed tone.

"Well it's your fault you sat on my lap and..... turned me on." She mumbled the last part in my ear. I rolled my eyes once again and got off of her lap. I could tell she was butthurt but I didn't care and walked up to our shared bedroom. I could tell she was following me but on the way up I smelt cigarettes, 2D. He passed me in the hallway and huffed.

"Whatever..." I mumbled as I kept walking. Noodle was still behind me but I wasn't going to give her what she wanted.... yeah I feel like being a brat.



This is kinda just a filler chapter but the next one will be better promise!


Noodz (A Noodle x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now