Chapter 13

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It's been a couple of days. Russel has been texting me to see if i'm okay. Yes, I have been texting him back telling him i'm fine when i'm actually not. I really wanted to speak with Noodle and get a reason to why she came back. She ruined my relationship with Marie, I really did love just as much as Marie. I shook off my thoughts as someone walked up to the counter. I rung them up then when I actually looked up it was Murdoc. Murdoc Niccals, the bassist of Gorillaz, in my shop.

He took my hand and kissed the top of it. Don't get me wrong he's a great bassist and apart of Gorillaz but i've never had any attraction to him like I did with Noodle.

"So you are invited to Kong Studio's for dinner tonight. I have a plan, you better not mess it up." He told me in his very rough british accent. He took his stuff and left the shop.

I stood there in shock. He just invited me to Kong Studio's and what plan does he have? I recoiled my hand to my side and went to the back to grab somethings since I needed to restock on somethings. After I was done it was around 7 or 8 so it was time to close.

I grabbed my stuff got the plants situated and locked the door. I walked to my apartment wondering what I was going to wear. I grabbed a long sleeve shirt and a graphic t-shirt then some ripped jeans and a beanie. Then some converse and got dressed. Once I was done I walked outside with my keys and phone in my back pocket then I saw Russel's golf cart parked by the curb. I hopped in and me and Russ said our hellos and we were off to Kong.

Once we made it Russ parked the cart and we went to the door, which he opened. He's a complete gentlemen. I walked in and made my way to the kitchen. When me and Noodle were together I basically lived here most of the time so I knew where everything was. I sat between Russel and Murdoc because I didn't want to sit next to 2D or Noodle. Lets face it 2D scared me sometimes.

"Sew, how ar' yew (Y/N)?" 2D asked me as Noodle was handing out plates.

"I'm fine. Just wondering why i'm here. I didn't think you'd want me here ever again." I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck.

"Of course we'd want you here kid. You're like family to us." Russel explained to me and Murdoc agreed as Noodle smiled slightly.

"Yeah, even I like you here. And trust me I hate most girls Noodle brings home." Murdoc cackled, patting my back.

I looked to noodle, she had her eyes glued on me. I could tell she was happy I was here. To be totally honest I was too but I don't know. 2D seemed to not like me as much as when I was first introduced. I played with the hem of my t-shirt was we all started to eat. The band was talking about the songs that were about to come out soon. The album 'Humanz', the songs they were talking about were like 'She's my collar'. I could tell they were going to be really good.

"Oh wow, we've never asked. (Y/N), have you ever played any instruments?" Russel asked before taking another bite of his food.

"Oh, yeah I do. I play guitar like Noodle. She was actually why I started to play." I told the band and I could tell Noodle was blushing at the comment. I saw 2D nudge her and then he cleared his throat.

"Guita'. Maybe aye can hea' sometime?" 2D asked me.

"Oh sure. Why not. I haven't played in a while so if i'm bad just tell me." I laughed before getting up and putting the plate in the sink.

"Oh trusf meh I will." He muttered to himself but I heard. I shook it off and went to go sit back down.

Later that night Russ, Murdoc, and 2D left me and Noodle alone in the living room. We were facing each other. I could tell she was thinking of what to say.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" I asked her.

"W-We were going on a tour. Has you probably already know. and Toochie thought it would be best if we broke up. And he is my brother so I took his advice. He thought you would've cheat on me. He didn't want me hurting like that." She told me. I was shocked, he own brother? I thought he knew me better than that.

"2D? What, I would never cheat on you. I would have tried to make long distance work." I told her before getting up.

"Where are you going?" She asked getting up and walking after me.

"To talk to that back stabbing bitch who made us both feel like shit for months." I half yelled so he knew I was coming.

I slammed his door open. He was on his bed and he seemed to be shaking. He was scared shitless, good.

"You really told her to break up with me!" I yelled in his face.

"I love her do you understand that! Can you get it through your thick ass skull!" Without any hesitation he pushed me on the floor. I got up and wiped my ass off as he was walking away.

"Where are you going?!" I screamed at him.

"I didn't want her to go through what I went through. Now leave my house." 2D said calmly and I left pissed off.

Noodz (A Noodle x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now