Chapter 21

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I woke up with my arm going across Noodle's side of the bed, she wasn't there. I got up out of bed and went downstairs just to smell breakfast. Yummy. I chuckled to myself and went into the actual clean kitchen, I was kinda surprised it wasn't trashed yet. I looked at the table, only Russ was there, and I sat down next to him and watched as Noodle was cooking. Her hips swayed as she hummed a tune, I got to admit it was adorable. I looked at Russ and he was reading newspaper so I got up and joined Noodle at the oven. Once she saw me she kissed me on the forehead and wrapped an arm around my waist. She was flipping pancakes with her free arm. I laid my head on her shoulder and then looked down at the ring. It sparkled as the sun hit it.

"What's on your mind babe?" Noodle asked me. I looked at her and smiled.

"Nothing really. Just thinking about how i'm the luckiest girl in the world." I said and Noodle smiled. She turned the oven off and brought me over to the table then kissed my neck. i giggled and then she went off to get the food. that's when Murdoc came down.

"Finally! Some decent food!" He exclaimed taking the biggest portion of pancakes and bacon. I chuckled as I took some. Noodle sat right next to me as her hand on my thigh. I could tell it was going to be a good day.

After a couple of hours me and Noodle got ready for a day on the town. By that she meant spending one more night at my place before we start moving my stuff to Kong. To be honest it wasn't much, we're going to sell my furniture and my t.v. so all I really needed was my plants, clothes, and my posters.

We got into Noodle's go-cart and went to go eat lunch. It was just fast food but it was nice, to spend alone time with Noodle outside Kong was amazing. Well unless someone tries to hit on me then Noodle would not stop trying to beat them. At least she listens to me... sometimes.

We were walking down the sidewalk across the way from my shop and there was line. Like people were waiting outside for things.

"What the hell?" I asked myself, hand in hand with Noodle. We walked across the street and went through the back. It was hectic I looked at my employee, Alana, and asked her what was happening. She told me it was prime time for weddings and everyone found my shop for flowers and other things. My eyes went to Noodle who was right behind me she was looking at all these people and she noticed someone. I looked at where she was looking and saw the person I never i would see again..... It's Marie.

Noodz (A Noodle x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now