Chapter 20

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It's been a couple of weeks since Noodle and I visited my family. I have gotten daily phone calls from Nicole, she wants to check in at stuff like that. I was really happy, I got a first couple employees so I don't work as often as I used to. Monday to Wednesday is when I work. I basically live at Kong Studio's now, 2D doesn't seem to care anymore. Russ and Murdoc both love to hang out with both me and Noodle.

I was hanging out on Noodle's bed just reading a magazine while my feet were in the air and my stomach on the actual bed. I heard as Noodle walked into the bedroom, I sat down my magazine and flipped around to where she collapsed on me. I let out a giggle and started to play with her purple locks.

"Tough day I take it?" I said as she snaked her arms around my waist, hugging me.

"Yes. Murdoc was a pain in the ass. He kept telling me what to do, I was about to punch him." She mumbled into the crook of my neck. I laughed and kissed her head. Noodle looked at me and then jumped off the bed.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked her, sitting up.

"Getting snacks and a horror movie to watch tonight. I thought it would be nice before you go to work tomorrow." She told me before walking out. I smiled and fell back looking up at the ceiling. Before I knew it Noodle came walking in with popcorn, chips, candy, and drinks. And of course, "Dawn of the Dead", 2D's favorite movie. He'll be pissed if he found out we took it from his room.

"You know you're gonna get murdered if 2D finds out you took his favorite movie from his room." I chuckled taking the snacks from Noodle's hands.

"Then he doesn't find out. He doesn't really sleep, he's out doing things, so he won't miss it much." She said putting the movie in and coming to sit next to me on her bed. She gave me a quick passionate kiss then went for the popcorn. I smiled and cuddled closer to her and watched the movie.

The next thing I knew it was morning and Noodle was wrapped around me. I wiggled out of her grasp and went to get ready for work, I had about two hours to get ready. I quickly got ready and walked out of the bathroom to Noodle shirtless putting a bra on. Let me tell you I drooled a little. Like i've seen her shirtless before but it was still the greatest thing to see on the face of the planet.

"So are you gonna just stare or are you gonna come kiss me?" Noodle asked in that adorable accent of hers. I smiled and ran over to her and kissed her.

"Well, I have to go work. I'll see you after?" I asked.

"Um yeah, just come home after, I have a surprise for after work." She told me. I smiled and nodded.

"Love you!" I called out then left for work.

Noodle's POV

I smiled as she left Kong. Now I can get the house ready. I went to the nightstand next to my bed and pulled out a black velvet box, I opened it and there was a beautiful ring. It had a black band and small black diamonds encrusted into it but the main jewel was a white diamond. It was perfect for (Y/N).

I ran downstairs after getting dressed and went into a secret cupboard I found in the kitchen and pulled out tons of decorations. So far all who knew about this was Russ, Murdoc, and (Y/N)'S siblings.

(Y/N)'s sibling are going to arrive right before (Y/n) gets home from work. I know that (Y/N) wasn't actually living here but I hope, if she says yes, that she could move in and live with me. This engagement was going to be the third best thing that will happen to me. Second is when we actually get married and first will when we have kids of our own. Well if she wants kids.

Noodz (A Noodle x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now