Chapter 18

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It's been a week and Noodle is basically living at my apartment, I don't mind she is my girlfriend now. I was at work, you know working, when Noodle came in.

"Babe? What are you doing here? I don't get off until 8 tonight." I told her as she walked behind the counter.

"Well i have a surprise for you. So you need to close up early." She smiled at me as she walked outside to wait. I sighed and closed up shop, no one was here so it was easy. I walked outside and she grabbed my hand and pulled me into her go cart and sped off to the nearest spa. I looked at her confused.

"What are we doing here?" I looked at her as she got of the go cart and came around and took my hand.

"Well, since we are seeing your family today I thought that I should spoil you so you look your absolute best to see them." She told me then she kissed me on the lips before the workers pulled me away to get groomed.

Noodle's POV

I watched and laughed as she got pulled away into the spa. I have already paid for the best thing that they offered. I mean she's always beautiful but I thought she'd like it. I need to get to the store to buy her a new dress for tonight, one she'll like. So I hopped into the go cart and rode to the nearest clothing store. 

I parked and walked into the store and looked around for an outfit (Y/N) would like. After looking for about 20 minutes I found a cute knee length, skin tight, black and white dress. She will love it! I took the dress and went to find some cute shoes. I found white strapy sandels and a cute bag. I figured (Y/N) has jewelry to match the outfit and then I paid and left. I went to her apartment and sat the outfit down and got a text from (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey, i'm done can you come get me?

I answered back and ran downstairs and jumped in the go cart. I sped down to the spa and I saw her. Her hair was curled, it looked like waves, and her makeup was done too. A red lipstick with a light smokey eye. She absolutely beautiful. I got out of the go cart and helped her into it then I jumped back in and drove to her apartment.


We made it back to my apartment and we went upstairs and I saw the cutest outfit.

"Noodle! You didn't have too!" I exclaimed as I hugged her.

"I thought you'd want something new to wear when we see your parents tonight." She told me as she broke the hug and pulled me to the bathroom giving me my clothes.

"Now, you get dressed and i'll pick you up in about 30 minutes since I need to get dressed myself." She smiled then kissed my head. I nodded and saw her leave. I smiled as i looked at the dress and quickly put it on. I touched up my lipstick, thank god I had the same color, and put on the shoes. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and purse. I went downstairs and waited inside.

I saw as she pulled up in an actual car. I smiled and got in and once I sat down she put her hand on my thigh.

"Are you ready, babes?" She asked me.

I nodded, "Baby? There is something you should know about my family...."

Noodz (A Noodle x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now