Chapter 15

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[ Warning Smut. ]

I woke up the next morning at around 5. I had to go to work today no excuses, so I got up and walked to my bathroom to get ready for the day. I was still exhausted from the day before. After I got done I went to grab my phone and I noticed that I had a text notification. It was from Noodle.

Noodle: Hey, yesterday was really fun. So I was wondering if you wanted to come over to Kong after work to hang out and maybe play some guitar?

(Y/N): Sure! I don't see why not. I'll see you at around 7, 7:30.

I hit send then I grabbed my keys and left for the shop. Once I left my building I remembered the fight I had with 2D when I was over there. How is this going to go down? Is he just gonna leave us alone or is he going to say something? I shook the thought off as I made it to the shop. I unlocked the door and then went inside to water the plants.

As I was watering them I heard the door chime, the first customer of the day. I walked up front and saw that they already went into one of the aisles. I smiled and went to put the watering can up. I walked back and sat down in the chair that I had set up a couple of days before hand, i'm still waiting for the small desk so I can have a office in the back. I'm thinking of hiring some employee's. the person still hasn't come up front yet so I was on my phone looking at instagram then I heard someone clear their throat.

"Oh, i'm sorry!" I said getting up and put my phone in my pocket. I looked to see who it was, my older brother. He was a top notch lawyer, like my parents wanted. I was shocked, how did he even know where I was? I moved like five hours away.

"Justin?! What the hell are you doing here?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes it's me. Now ring me up I have to leave, I got court." He told me.

"Wow, no hello to your younger sister you haven't seen in like seven years?" I asked grabbing his crap.

"I have no business with you. You're a disappointment to the family. Mother and Father never want to see you again neither does me or our sister. now give me my stuff so I can go."

"Really Justin? You came into MY shop knowing that I ran it. And you have the balls saying that you're a prick. I know Nicole would say the same thing and yes before you say anything I know she's already head of surgery at her hospital. No matter what we go through or what you think of me I do keep tabs on you." I manged to get all of that out without a second breath and him interrupting me.

"Well, (Y/N), anything else I have to leave."

"Actually yes, Justin you are my brother and I love you but you need to just think for yourself. Mom and Dad are assholes. See look my shop is thriving when they think I wouldn't be able to do it. So maybe bring that up with them." I nodded and gave him his stuff. he seemed surprised that I actually said something. I wasn't the most upfront person growing up.

After a couple hours went by it was five in the afternoon. I was tired it was another slow day. I decided to lock up early. I grabbed my keys and phone and went to turn on the UV lights and water them one more time before I left. Then I closed the blinds then walked out and locked the door. I walked down the street to my building and walked up to my apartment.

"Finally home.. Crap I am hanging out with Noodle today!" I told myself putting my keys down.

I huffed and walked to my closet. I had my guitar on the top shelf, I realized that I was to short to actually reach it so I grabbed a foot stool and then grabbed it. I put the black case on my bed then opened it. It was black with neon green highlight around it then neon green strings did I mention it was electric. I brushed my hand on it, I haven't actually picked it up in years. I grabbed and then sat down and strummed a couple of cords, I was playing 'Feel Good Inc'. I smiled and then put it back and closed the case, by the time I checked it was 5:30. A hour and half left to wait.

Noodz (A Noodle x Fem Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ